Bingham lies about 3 miles from the centre of
East of Duddingston Golf Course and North of Craigmillar and Niddrie |
Recollections |
1. |
Mary Frances Merlin
(née Monteith)
and France
- All Changed
- Photos |
2. |
Lesley Conway
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Bingham
then Greendykes
Move to Bingham
More Moves |
3. |
Rob Cleary
Johannesburg, South Africa
- Tunnel
- The Burn |
4. |
Richard Robertson
- Bingham Place |
5. |
Sheila Cairns
Northfield, Edinburgh |
Our Home
The Tin School
Back Greens
- Delivery Vans |
6. |
Cynthia Anderson
Edinburgh |
- Bingham Broadway
Marco's Chip
The Store Van
Back Green Concerts
- Happy Memories |
7. |
William (Billy) Wright
Paris, France |
- Family
School and Work
Golf Course
Leaving Bingham
8. |
John Aird
Fife, Scotland |
- Family
- Childhood
- Friends
- Work
9. |
John Aird
Fife, Scotland |
- The
10. |
Tom Polson |
- Bingham
Our Home
- Football
- Cycling
11. |
Tom Polson |
- Bingham
- Schools
- Buses and Trams
- Football Team
- Shops
12. |
Tom Polson |
- Bingham
- No.75
13. |
Frances Allred |
- Neighbours
14. |
Ronnie Peters
Thakham, Bangkuntian,
Thailand |
- Neighbours
15. |
Ian Robertson
Canada |
- 3 Bingham Crescent
Mary Frances Merlin (née Monteith)
France |
Thank you to Mary Frances
Merlin (Monteith) of Bingham, Edinburgh, now living in France, for sending
me the photo below.
If you have any memories
of Bingham or photographs of the area, please
e-mail me. I'll then tell Mary, and may add them to this web
site if you are happy for me to do that.
Mary wrote: |
Bingham and France
"I was born in 1946 and left Bingham at the age
of 17. The houses there were built quickly after the war.
I've lived in France for many years and
unfortunately never got back there to visit while Bingham was still as I'd
known it. So I can't show my husband (French) and son John, the
house where I spent my very happy childhood with my 5 brothers and 2
sisters." |
All Changed
"When I did get back to Bingham show them the
area, it had all been demolished and rebuilt and nothing practically was
recognisable, except for the nearby railway line and the wee tunnel we
used to go through when mum sent us to the tiny shop called "Lettie's". |
"This is about the only photo I have. I
was aged about 9 on the photo.
I wondered if it could bring back any memories
to somebody having lived there at the same time, and who might have more
photos of the 'Binghams' as it was called." |
Mary Frances Merlin ( Monteith),
France: formerly Bingham, Edinburgh, June 15, 2006 |
recorded by
Lesley Conway
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia): |
Conway wrote:
From around 1945 then
mother, Lena Mary Conway (née Moran), was born
in Fountainbridge on 6 December 1927. She is now the eldest living
member of the Moran clan.
now lives in Sydney, Australia, after first immigrating to Melbourne,
Australia in 1960."
Lesley Conway: April 25, 2007 |
Lena Mary Conway's memories
(recorded for her by her daughter,
Lesley Conway, now living in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia): |
Move to Bingham
"Around 1945, I
moved from
Niddrie to 31 Bingham Broadway."
© |
My elder
sisters, Rose and Isa, met Micky Conway at a dance.
He was
such a good dancer. They
walked all the
way home with him
and he came into our home to help hang some pictures.
He was
working away when this wee thing (me)
came into the room wearing a yellow jumper and
a towel around my head. He was immediately
The very next day,
I was waiting at Surgeons'
Hall for a bus and Mick Conway
was already there 'Oh,
Lena, fancy seeing you here?'. Of course, it
was all contrived. He was on a mission
to woo me.
"I used
to go dancing with Dad, and every Friday night
I went to the Empire Theatre, and had a fish
supper afterwards."
I got
engaged on my 21st birthday,
December 6, 1948, and married the
following year on April 22. Dad converted to
Catholicism and I was married in St Pat’s,
the Catholic Church in the Cowgate. My
wedding reception is held in the Gas & Fuel Social Rooms on Candlemaker
I didn't
have a honeymoon but took the usual Bank
holidays in July and visited Coventry."
More Moves
later moved several times.
After my
marriage, I lived:
- at 6 Drummond
street, right at the top of the stair.
- with my parents,
after our first child was born.
- at my
mother-in-law’s place, I think at Craigmillar Castle
- Easthouses,
and finally, in a “pre-fab” at Greendykes
Then, in 1960, I emigrated to
Lesley Conway recording the memories of
her mother Lena Mary Conway: April 25, 2007 |
Rob Cleary
Johannesburg, South Africa |
Thank you to Rob Cleary
for sending his memories of Bingham.
Rob wrote: |
"I’m Rob (or Rab if you come from
Edinburgh). I'm now 50 years old and living in Johannesburg South
I was
brought up in the Jewel cottages just across the road from Bingham.
My friends who lived in Bingham were Gordon Prior, Fay Miller and the
"I remember the tunnel
that Mary mentions (above) as I used to stand beside it to catch the No 4
bus to take me to London Road."
The Burn
have many many great memories, I have to say. There was a burn that used
to run through Bingham. It was the boundary between the Jewel &
I used to fish there
for tadpoles, as a kid. I can remember the man on the bike who would
sell onions 'Onion Johnny' and the rag & bone man.
My gran used to tell me stories of during the war where she found
incendiary bomb tale pieces in that burn, she used to keep them on the
mantle piece."
Rob Cleary, Johannesburg, South Africa: August 1, 2008 |
Richard Robertson
Thank you to Richard
Robertson who replied to Mary Frances Merlin (2
above) and also sent this photo of Bingham Place:
Richard wrote:
Bingham Place
Mary. It was nice seeing the photo of you in the
'Planny' as we called
it then.
I'm also from Bingham Place. I
stayed in No 23, right across the road from where your photograph was
taken. We moved to Bingham about 1967/8.
is the only photo I could find from my time in Bingham Place. My
house is directly behind the people in the photo, who are:
my sister in law, Kate Hogg.
older brother Wullie."
Richard Robertson: August 19, 2008 |
Sheila Cairns
Northfield, Edinburgh |
Thank you
to Sheila Cairns who wrote:
Our Home
"There were six
of us living at Bingham, myself, brothers Iain, David, Colin and Stuart
and sister Susan. No. 7, Catherine, came along in 1967.
prefabs were still there, and as we lived on the
top flat we had a wonderful view of the golf course and the
Pentland Hills in the distance, not something
you notice when you are young though.
houses were freezing in the winter but each bedroom had a fireplace.
Mum would put a fire on in the afternoon and we
would go to sleep watching the flickering coals at night." |
"We lived in the
top flat (right) at 81 Bingham Road,
known latterly as Duddingston Row.
Flats 79 and 81 can be seen in the photo below,
at the terminus of the No 4 bus route.
This photo was taken about 1984
as the council was starting to empty the
houses, prior to demolishing them and
Bingham Road

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Sheila Cairns, Edinburgh
Also at
81, were:
the Griffiths, next door to us..
Andersons, middle flat.
Mrs Oliver, middle flat.
the Mitchells, bottom flat
the Carrs, bottom flat.
the next stair, there were:
the Carlyons
the Brockies
In the next block were:
the Liddells
the back were:
the Jeromesons, in Bingham Place
the Alexanders, also in Bingham Place
The Manders on the other side was Bingham Broadway
The Steins, also on the other side of Bingham Broadway."
The Tin School
we moved to Bingham, there was only the tin
school, an annexe of Niddrie Mill Primary School.
Behind the school, there was a large cornfield.
Mary Magdalene had not been built then. Nor
had the bungalows at the side of the church."
Back Greens
"In the summer we
would put on the 'show'
in the backgreen. The costumes
were made from crepe paper
that we bought from Dignan's
Post Office cum haberdashery cum sweet shop." |
"In the same row as the Post
Office, there were:
Meehan, the Chemist.
Jackie the Fruiterer.
Campbell drysalters. She used to bring her
husband to the shop with her every day. He
was in a wheelchair. You could buy
anything from that shop!
- a dairy.
did not have to leave Bingham to do your shopping." |
Delivery Vans
"On a Sunday, the vegetable
van came round.
On a Friday, it was
the Store van that you could walk into!
day, there was a visit from Bob
in the Store Baker's van.
We did not get much from him as Mum couldn't
afford buns for all 6 of us!" |
Sheila Cairns, Northfield, Edinburgh:
April 23+26, 2009 |
Cynthia Anderson (née
Thank you to
Cynthia Anderson who wrote:
Bingham Broadway
was born at 13 Bingham Broadway, one of the Orlit
houses, in 1948 and was the youngest of 7 children. I
had five sisters and one brother. With 5 children still in
the house, my Mother, Annie Smith, fostered
children through The Church of Scotland.
She was well known in the area for doing this
"My mother and I moved to a
prefab at 13 Bingham Medway, then moved
from Bingham in 1965 when the prefabs were being demolished.
I was educated in what we knew was the
'tin school' (Niddrie Mill Annexe) until Lismore Primary School was built
alongside. My class P7 was the first in the new building and I was dux of
the school in 1960."
Marco's Chip Van
"I remember Mario's chip van.
It came into the scheme once a week and parked at the bottom of
Bingham Broadway. It was owned by Mario
Campanilli who also had a fish 'n
chip shop in Northfield Broadway."
The Store
"There was the 'store' van.
You had to remember your Mother's share number if you bought
anything from it. It was a bakery van and
they had the yummiest buns, but as my Mother was
a great baker we did not buy from it very often."
Back Green
"I also remember having back green concerts,
usually organised by my sister Christine and her friends,
where ropes were tied to the top of the clothes poles and bed coverings
would be thrown over to give the impression of curtains."
began, at the age of 14, filling shelves in Fine Fare Supermarket at the
top of Easter Road, after school on a Friday and all day Saturday, to earn
some pocket money.
then worked, full time from age 16, as a shorthand / audio typist at
Stewart Goodall & Dunlop, 121a Princes Street and went on to work for
others including National Library of Scotland.
Happy Memories
"I have happy fond memories of my life in
Bingham and am more than happy to talk about it to anyone who would
listen. The Bingham I knew is no longer
there as it was demolished and rebuilt, and they
have now also closed Lismore Primary School."
Cynthia Anderson (née Smith), Bingham:
October 19+25, 2010 |
William (Billy)
Paris, France |
Thank you to
Billy Wright who wrote:
was born
Edinburgh and lived in a ground floor flat at 4 Bingham Road from around
1959 to 1977, along with:
my parents, William (deceased) and Ann (born Tulloch)
my sisters, Jacqueline and Barbara.
were fortunate to have great neighbours. Maybe all neighbours were great
back then, unlike today."
School and Work
attended Lismore primary school, then
went on to Portobello secondary school. I
suppose that I was a bit lazy back then when it came to studies,
but so were many of us.
seemed to be our lot, for most of us anyway, to
simply get out of school and start working. This
was probably standard for a district like Bingham that
was often hard, and was working class.
matter that is was working class, those were wonderful times.
We looked forward with, I suppose, anxious
little eyes to holidays, Christmas, Birthdays, anything that was special."
"My best friend during those years was Dave
Wilson. He lived in the prefabs opposite
the flats in Bingham Road. I lost track of
him after my marriage to Rosemary Latimer in 1977.
That's still something I regret to this
day. I've tried
searching for him through the net but to no
that I remember from those days
- our neighbours, the
Polsen family
Jackie Calder, with home I was madly in love
sure I knew Sheila Cairns ('Recollections 5'
above) but I can’t swear to it.
would be more than happy to reply to anyone who remembers me from that
Golf Course
With my pals, we often wandered around Duddingston golf course looking for
lost golf balls we could sell to the players.
We sometimes waded through the burn that ran
through the course, in our wellies.
The mud at the bottom of the burn hid more than one ball.
This angered the green keepers, who sometimes
tried to catch us. One of my friends was
unlucky enough to be caught. The last I
remember was looking over my shoulder as I was running away,
to see his head being thrust under the water more than once
(lol). He
survived of course."
Bonfire Nights
when we pestered the rich folks who lived in Duddingston
- before Bingham inherited the same name!
The flats were very poorly insulated against the cold.
Luckily we had fireplaces in every room,
even the bedrooms, but that didn’t stop us from
waking up to two millimeters of frost
inside the bedroom windows."
Nice things that I remember about Bingham:
The people of Bingham Rod
The No 4 bus that took us into the city centre
Lismore primary
Summer holidays."
Leaving Bingham
"I moved away from Bingham in 1977 to start my
married life in Livingston, then to France and a
new marriage, and still live here in the
Paris suburbs.
Even though I have a fairly comfortable life these days, one daughter and
one grandchild, I still look back with very fond memories of Bingham and
my childhood days. Many thanks to my
parents for having brought us up in such a wonderful place."
Billy Wright, Paris, France: April
16, 2011 |
Reply to Billy?
If you
know how Billy might be able to get in touch again with Dave Wilson, or if
you have any other message that you would like to send to Billy,
please email me, than
I'll pass on your message to him.
Thank you.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: April 16,
2011 |
John Aird
Fife, Scotland |
Thank you to
John Aird who wrote:
stayed at 16 Bingham Place with my parents:
Alex and Margaret
my six brothers and sisters:
I lived in Edinburgh
till we moved to Fife in 1994 where we still
live now."
"I went to Lismore Primary
School, then on to Portobello High School.
have fond memories from my childhood:
going up to the Circle to play football
going to the golf course to find golf balls
football on The Planny.
best friend from Bingham was Alex Hamilton (Hammy). I'm still
looking for him, with no success. I
lost touch with him when I moved away.
know it's a bit of a long shot but if
you know of his
whereabouts can you please get in touch?"
Please also see 'UPDATE'
below .
- Peter
Stubbs, Edinburgh
Other friends I remember are:
William Robertson.
He was the
brother of Richard who posted on
the EdinPhoto web site.
William Wright.
I heard from him
on Friends Reunited, but nothing
after that. I tried to email him with no
Freddy Hogg.
Tam Hogg.
Rab Craig.
Gordon Shields.
Coco Manders.
Martin Moor.
Allan Curry.
Some of the
girls I remember are:
Valerie Grant.
Ada Stein.
Liz Hogg."
"After leaving school, I went to work at The Store,
Milk Dept, where I stayed for about two years, then on to a
few other jobs, till I went to
Edinburgh District Council where i stayed till
made medically retired in 1992."
Aird, Fife, Scotland: May 19, 2012
Please see also Recollections 9
Reply to John Aird?
If you
know the whereabouts of Alex Hamilton and would like to tell John Aird how
he can contact Alex, or if you would like to send any other message to
John Aird,
please email me, then I'll pass on his email address to you.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: 19 May, 2012 |
Sadly, Alistair Blakey wrote to me on 19 January 2013, telling me:
was murdered in Niddrie, years ago. Sorry to tell you."
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: 9 July 2017 |
However, I received two emails today from Sheila Lawson, the sister of
Alex Hamilton (Hammy). She wrote:
am Alex Hamilton's sister. We stayed at 77 Bingham Road.
It was not Alex who was murdered but his brother, John Hamilton."
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: 9 July 2017 |
John Aird
Fife, Scotland |
John Aird who mentioned 'The Planny' in
Recollections 8 above. I emailed him to
ask what 'The Planny' was.
The Planny
don't know how it got its name, but The Planny was the area of grass
between Bingham Place and the Broadway. It
is the land in the background of this picture, taken
from Recollections 1 above:
Planny is where we always played football, or sometimes we would go up to
the circle, a bricked wall area in the shape of
a circle, great for keeping the ball in,
which was in the new houses across from Bingham
Road, just to annoy the residents."
Aird, Fife, Scotland: May 20, 2012
Tom Polson
Perth, Western
Australia, Australia
you to Tom Polson who wrote:
Bingham Road
Our Home
lived at
77 Bingham
Road with my brothers ...
... and my
Margo (who moved away by 1956)
Jose (ho passed away in the 1980s)
My Family lived above the Liddells, Mrs. Liddell
being my God Mother. I left home in 1955 to start
my army service, returning to my parents' home for a short spell in 1957"
"We played football in the golf course at the
clearing behind the Prefabs and at the Pylon."
"The kids of the day (1947-50)
along with some parents made a
speedway track layout.
It was just like Meadowbank, but we had
bikes. (A lot of
bikes disappeared in those days, LOL.)
I think the name 'Planny'
was given to that area as trees were planted round the grassed area.
I think the actual name is Bingham Square.
We'd say, "We'll race
you at the treed area in Bingham Place; you
know - where the Grassed/Treed area is
- the Planny." The name stuck
from then on. It was round about 1948 when
it was completed."
Polson, Perth, Western Australia, Australia: December 24, 2012 |
Tom Polson
Perth, Western
Australia, Australia
you to Tom Polson for writing again with more recollections of the days
when he lived at Bingham.
Bingham Road
have lived in Perth, Western Australia for the past 43 years,
but I do visit Edinburgh periodically.
My brothers,
Iain and Edward, still live in
My brother, Charlie, now lives in Gibraltar
My sister, Margo,
still lives in Edinburgh.
My sister, Anne,
lives in the Newtongrange area.
My sister,
Denise, lives in
believe that the headmaster in this school photo was the first Headmaster
of Lismore Primary School.
sister Anne was one of the first pupils to attend the new
Buses and Trams
first bus to come along Bingham Road from Milton Road was a No. 24.
This service to Bingham terminated when the No. 4
tram service came to an end and was replaced by a No. 4 bus.
tram, used to
terminated at the chip shop in Northfield Broadway, Piershill,
about 300 or 400
yards past the old Carlton Picture House
towards Portobello.
this tram service ended, it was replaced by the No. 4 bus which
continued along Northfield Broadway and
joined Willowbrae Road at Gordon Smith**'s
Pub and Newsagent terminating at the
junction of Bingham Broadway, Bingham
Drive and Bingham Road where there was a
path through the tunnel to Niddrie
leading to Lettie's wee shop.
Gordon Smith was an ex- Hibs and ex-Hearts footballer.
Football Team
football team at the time was Bingham Rovers. A
Mr Douglas, who lived in the top flat of 75 Bingham Road, started the team
and managed it for quite a few years.
Bauld (brother of Hearts' player,
Willie Bauld) played
for the Rovers. The team acquired its colours, 'Maroon hoops'
through Willie from the Heart of Midlothian Club."
remember the shops in Bingham Crossway.
From the Bingham Avenue end, there were:
- The
Clapperton the Grocer
- The
Newsagent (paper shop)
Fruit Shop (veggie shop)
- The
Drysalter (hardware shop)
then you walked down steps into
Bingham Drive.
Polson, Perth, Western Australia, Australia: December 24, 2012 |
Tom Polson
Perth, Western
Australia, Australia
you to Tom
Polson for sending more recollections of Bingham.
Bingham Road
remember some of the neighbours who lived at Bingham
Road from the time when I first lived there, in 1947-55.
No. 75
Top left (gable end): the
Buchanan family.
Next door:
the Douglas
Middle flat: the Wales and Thomson families.
(The Worth
family took over the Thompson's House)
Ground floor:
the McGill and Alison families.
Top left: Mr & Mrs Lyons.
Next door (gable end):
the Darcy
(Tom Darcy played with
Middle flat: the Ferguson and Polson families.
Ground floor:
the Liddell and Rosbie
(The Wright family took over
the Rosbie's house. They were there when I came
out of the Army in 1957. Mrs Wright and my mother
to Musselburgh Legion Club to play bingo I
sometimes picked them up afterwards. Billy's Mum was a lovely lady too.)
No 81
remember the names of the neighbours well that Sheila
Cairns mentions in Recollections 5 above.
The Suckolds also lived in her house, but I
don't remember whether that was before or after she lived there.
Polson, Perth, Western Australia, Australia: December 26, 2012 (2
emails) |
Frances Allred
you to Frances Allred who wrote:
Growing Up in Bingham
"Bingham used to be a
good place to live. I have many happy memories of
living there. I've heard that it is
not so good now.
We had good people as neighbors,
hard working people.
- We
all knew each other and helped one another.
had backyard concerts in the summer time.
walked to Portobello as kids.
played in the burn, across the street,.
dad had an allotment as well.
all got together at New Year time.
lived in the Old Bingham.
They were called the Orlets
We went through the tunnel to the fish and chip shop.
We went to
Lettie's to get ice lollies.
chip van and ice cream van came around.
bakers van, vegetable van and fish van
came as well.
Allred: July 17, 2013 |
Ronnie Peters
Thakham, Bangkuntian,
Thailand |
Thank you to Ronnie Peters who wrote:
Our Home, Neighbours
"We lived next to the burn,
at 18 Bingham Crescent
from 1957.
Mrs Alexander down below.
- Her
two daughters were Sally and Janet.
My mates were, all
from Bingham Drive, were:
Jimmy Nicol
Ged McClory
Jimmy McIntyre
Dougie Sheilds."
Ronnie Peters ('Rocky'),
Thakham, Bangkuntian,
Thailand: September
27, 2014 |
Ian Robertson
Canada |
Thank you to Ian Robertson who wrote:
Bingham Crescent
was fascinated to read the recollections above with all the great
memories of Bingham.
I lived at 3 Bingham
Crescent from 1946 until 1965. We
lived above Meiklejohn's, the
I'm now in my 70s and
have lived in in Canada for 45
years, but I
still visit Edinburgh just about every
year. I'll never forget
Bingham and what i learned
from being part of a working class family there."
Ian Robertson, Canada:
December 8, 2014 |