Photograph from
the Ross Family Collection
in the Scottish Highlands |
The Scottish Highlands - 5.
Photograph by Mrs Horatio Ross?

Reproduced with permission of Christies Images Limited, London
Braelangwell House |
Photographs 4, 5 and 6
above come from a collection of almost 100 Ross family photos acquired by
Stephen Beadle. These 3 photos (and others) are from part of the collection entitled
'Braelangwell House, Ross-shire'.
This is Braelangwell House:
Peter Stubbs: November 23, 2007 |
This photo may have been taken by Mrs Horatio Ross, wife of one of
the grandsons of the early sportsman, photographer and politician,
Horatio Ross (1801-1886).
Stephen Beadle adds:
"As this photo is marked 'Braelangwell House,
Ross-shire', it was probably taken somewhere around there while the people
were in residence at the house."
Stephen Beadle: November 26, 2007 |