Asher's comments on Darkrooms in 1867
Asher commented on darkrooms when he delivered his Lecture "Remarks
on Aids to Clean Manipulations" to Edinburgh
Photographic Society on 6 February 1867. He said:
the so-called 'dark room' there should be plenty of light - of the
right sort; and so we avoid many blunders caused by attempting
to work literally in the dark. I am sure you will agree with me
that the dark room should be as light and lofty as space and
circumstances will allow.
professional photographers have suffered in their general health, and
from special maladies, the effects of being immured for hours daily in
small and ill-ventilated dark rooms, which are not only prejudicial to
health, but possess many drawbacks to clean manipulation.
good darkroom will, therefore, be provided with suitable means of
ventilation , and also for securing a moderate degree of heat
throughout the room during the winter months. Gas stoves in dark
rooms should be avoided as abominations, and they are by no means
friends in aiding to secure clean pictures. A hot water system,
when practicable, is decidedly the best and cleanest, if not also the
cheapest in the end.