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-  B Bomont

-  AB Bomont

-  F Bomont

-  Frederick Bomont

The Edinburgh studios of Parisian Photo Co were run by:

-   B Bomont (1887-91) then by 
-   Madame AB Bomont (1891-93).

A third member of the family,

-   Frederick Bomont, French Photographer and Portrait Painter at 90 Raeburn Place, Stockbridge, Edinburgh (1906-08)?

Madame Huber and Augustus Charles Huber also worked for Parisian Photo Co in 1902.


Parisian Photo Co studio  -  Princes Street

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services

Inside the studio at 75 Princes Street



Bomont,  F

75 Princes Street


Bomont,  F

41 Bernard Street


Bomont,  F

Leith Walk Station



1881 Census

Frederick Bomont was listed in the 1881 census as follows:

Photographer's Assistant

Age:  30

Born:  Namur?, Belgium

Resident:  11 Albert Place, South Leith, Edinburgh

Wife:  Berta B

Daughter (born Cologne, Germany):

1.  Berta B

Age 4

[DR Torrance]




Bomont  -  studio addresses and dates


