T W Cowey

TW Cawey in trade directory


This photographer appeared in the trade directory for one year only - 1865.  His name was given as TW Cawey.  

However, his name on the back of cartes de visite was given as TW Cowey.


The address in the trade directory was 78 South Clerk Street.  the studio that was formerly used by J G Tunny.

 James G Tunny's studio  -  South Clark Street ©

His address on the back of his cartes de visite is given as:

a)  100 South Clerk Street, Newington Photographic Institute  OR

b)  100 South Clerk Street, Newington Photographic Institute
 scored out in pencil and replaced by 78 South Clerk Street).

A change such as b) would normally indicate that the photographer had changed address and was waiting for his new supply of cards to arrive.  However in this case, it appears that '100' was merely a printing error, as South Clark Street never had a 'No. 100' in the 19th century.
[Julian Bukits]

Cartes de Visite

Carte de visite by T W Cowey  - Girl ©     The back of a carte de visite by T W Cowey  - Girl ©      Carte de visite by T W Cowey  - Youth ©      The back of a carte de visite by T W Cowey  - Youth ©

Above is the fronts and backs of two of T W Cowey's cartes de visite.  The back with its small name and address is typical of cartes de visite of the 1860s.  To enlarge the images above, please click on one of them.


TW Cowey  -  studio addresses and dates


