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James Good Tunny



Tunny & Asher

102 South Bridge



James Good Tunny

78 South Clerk Street


_ Causewayside


93 Princes Street


102 South Bridge


6 West Newington *


11 Salisbury Place


13 Maitland Street


19 Salisbury Place


This address appeared in the trade directories
However, it was probably not a studio address, but Tunny's temporary address while work was being carried out on what was to become his new home and studio at 11 Salisbury Place.


J G Tunny & Co

[following the death of J G Tunny in 1887]

13 Maitland Street


19 Salisbury Place


13a Maitland Street


61 Shandwick Place



Studio in 1852

James Good Tunny's first appearance in the Edinburgh Trade Directories as a photographer was in 1852.  His studio was at 78 South Clerk Street.

  ../PP_N/pp_tunny_-_studios.htm#James Good Tunny - Studio c.1852 ©


Studio in 1860

Tunny's business continued at several addresses.  From 1860 to 1874, he was based at 93 Princes Street

An advert was placed in The Scotsman on 8 September 1860, reading:

J G TUNNY begs to inform his Friends and the general Public that his NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT, 93 PRINCES' STREET will be OPENED on MONDAY first, the 10th inst. and which will be under his personal superintendence.

The BUSINESS at the NEWINGTON PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS will be conducted by Mr SMITH, one of Mr Tunny's oldest assistants.

In the 1861 Census Tunny was described as "Photographer employing 2 men and 3 women".  He was then with his wife, 4 sons, daughter, sister-in-law, nurse, cook, nursery maid and photographer's apprentice.  [Census: 1861]

Studio in 1873

Thank you to Ron Cosens passing on a message from his friend, Alan Collier, to me drawing my attention to an article published in the Dundee Courier on 3 May1873 about one of J G Tunny's premises.

The article read:

Edinburgh Photographer's Premises Burned

"Our Edinburgh correspondent telegraphs: - Last night, about seven o' clock, the premises of two storeys occupied by Mr Tunny, photographer, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh, were burnt to the ground.

Mr Tunny was working among some spirit of wine varnish, when some chemicals ignited and set the place on fire.  The damage is estimated at upwards of £1,000."

Dundee Courier:  Saturday 3 May, 1873


Studio in 1876

A full account of Tunny's studio at 13 Maitland Street, Edinburgh, written by John Nicol, appeared in the British Journal of Photography in 1876.


Studio in 1867

Tunny was in partnership with Alexander Asher at 102 South Bridge for one year only, in 1867.

Studios in 1890

The company’s studios were described in 1890:

“A hall surrounded by some splendid specimens of photographic art, … , a finely furnished waiting room and an elegantly appointed reception room, measuring about thirty feet by thirty feet, lighted by a magnificent oriel window.”   [ST]

The company's  'Fine Art Photographic Galleries' offered:

"Enlargements made to any size

 and coloured in oil, water colours or crayon. 

Indestructible Vitrified Enamels – a Speciality.

Photos printed in permanent platinum 

 a process that bears a striking resemblance to  finely executed engraving."     


Studios in 1892

Two years later, the British Journal of Photography printed a report on the company's  main studios at 13 Maitland Street at the West End of Edinburgh  -  premises that were to be given the address 61 Shandwick Place in 1899.

"Mr Balmain used some of the newest processes commercially.  In 1892, he was experimenting with printing-out paper, and was testing the permanence of images on collodio-chloride paper.  They proved not to be very permanent.

He was an award winner in vitrified enamels, which was now an important growing department of his business.  He also handled photogravure work for the trade, and created photo-lithography transfers to printers.”    [BJP1892: p534]

The company also opened a studio in Hawick in the Scottish Borders.



James Good Tunny





Maine to California



Collections and For Sale

Early Negatives

Tunny &  Rodger

William Miller



Mrs Tunny

Edinburgh Views

Princes Street  1850s

Princes Street   c1880

Shakespeare Square



Early Days


Studio 1852

Studio 1876

JG Tunny & Co

Tunny & Asher

Family Photos

Cartes de Visite

A carte de visiet by James Good Tunny  -  1860-1870 ©

Cabinet Prints

The back of a cabinet print by James Good Tunny  -  13 Maitland Street + 19 Salisbury Place  - Lady wearing a hat ©


Here is a link to a web page that gives details of a book, written and published in 2009 by Julian Bukits, on the life and work of James G Tunny

Cover of a book 'A Study of James G Tunny - 1820-1887'  by Julian Bukits ©


