George Ritchie Mackay
Other Photographers named
Mackay |
George Ritchie
and his

© With acknowledgement
to Alex Gorrie
Ritchie Mackay was a photographer, portrait and miniature painter. He
coloured his own photographs to be sent to exhibitions.
105 South
initially had studios at 105 South Bridge Street.
George R Mackay
successor to TJ Bonne
& Co
105 South Bridge
Artists & Photographers - High Class Photography
25 North
Later, he had
a studio on the top floor of 25 North Bridge Street, an address that later
became Patrick Thomson's Dept store. This photograph of George R
Mackay (the taller gentleman) and another man (who?) was taken on the roof
of his North Bridge studio.

© With acknowledgement
to Alex Gorrie
Gorrie believes that the photograph above was probably taken by G
R Mackay's assistant, Alan Harper.
Was this the same man as Alan
Harper, son of John
Campbell Harper? - Peter Stubbs
G R Mackay's
studio was directly opposite
newspaper office.
Mackay may
have done
some work for that paper.
also took flights in an open plane during the 1914-18 War to take
aerial photographs. [Des:AG]
70 Leith
a studio at 70 Leith Walk. He named it
'Crown Studio'.
Most of his
photos give the name GR Mackay's and one or both of his his studio
addresses. However, I
postcard portraits that hame no photographer but have a 'Crown
Studio' blind stamp. I have assumed that these are from GR
Mackay's Leith Walk studio.
Ritchie Mackay
took photos for the theatre in his large studio at South
He also produced portraits in several formats:
- postcards
- cabinet prints
- small photos mounted on carte-de-visite size
Here is one of his larger photographs.
Postcard Portraits
Other Photographers named
Mackay |
Alex Gorrie
Linlithgow, West Lothian,
Scotland |
Thank you to Alex Gorrie, grandson of George Ritchie Mackay, who wrote:
My Grandfather
"G R Mackay
died in 1919, aged 48, leaving a daughter*
(b.1900) and a son**
(also named George Ritchie
GR Mackay's Family
GR Mackay's daughter was named Gwendoline Mackay. She married into
the Gorrie family and became the mother of Alex Gorrie.
GR Mackay's son
was also named George Ritchie Mackay. He went on to work for
Valentine of Dundee, photographers. He became the father of
Ritchie Mackay
Stubbs, Edinburgh: August 2004
"G R Mackay's wife
continued to run the business for a couple of years after his death,
before selling it to Campbell Harper."
Studio Addresses
I have
no record in the trade directories of Campbell Harper being located at 25
North Bridge or 70 Leith Walk.
So presumably they, Campbell Harper, ran these studios under the
Mackay name:
The studio
at 70 Leith Walk was also listed in some directories under the name of
Miss Geo R Mackay and in others under the name of Mrs Geo R Mackay.
Presumably both refer to the widow. By 1924, 70
Leith Walk had become John C Bambrick's studio.
Stubbs, Edinburgh: August 2004
Alex Gorrie, Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland: August 24, 2004
Michael Ritchie Mackay
Port Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia |
Thank you to Michael Ritchie Mackay, now living in Port Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, for sending the comments below.
Michael is the son of son of George Ritchie Mackay (Jun) and the
grandson of George Ritchie Mackay (Sen) .
Michael wrote:
"My grandfather
George Ritchie Mackay (Sen)
died at an early age leaving my grandmother and two siblings,:
my father,
George Ritchie Mackay (Jun)
- a daughter named
Gwendoline (Gwennie) Mackay
who later married into a family called Gorrie.
My grandmother re-married and became a
Fairhurst but her husband
also died, leaving my father to
look after her in later years. She was placed into a home in Meigle and
lived there 'till she died aged 98." |
Edinburgh, Dundee, Australia
was born in Edinburgh in 1945
and lived in Portobello with my
father and mother
Elizabeth Christie Mackay
(known as Lillian).
My father was born in Edinburgh and
worked for his father.
They owned Mackay Studios in Leith Walk
and Princes Street."
The trade directories show the studio being in North
Bridge, not Princes Street.
- Peter
"We moved to Dundee when I was
very young, probably in 1946.
In Dundee, my
father worked for Valentines & Sons Ltd as a professional photographer,
taking photos for postcards etc.
I stayed in Dundee 'till 1963
then emigrated to Australia. My father died in 1969, so I am the remaining
direct descendent of that family." |
Michael Ritchie MacKay, Port
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: May 16+21, 2007
Michael Ritchie Mackay is cousin of Alex Gorrie. (Alex's
mother was Michael's father's sister.)
Alan Mackay
Port Melbourne, Victoria,
Alan MacKay has looked into the question:
Question 1
"Was James M Mackay related
to George R Mackay?"
Alan writes:
James M MacKay
"I have done a quick search and
reckon that it is unlikely that
James M Mackay and
George R Mackay were
related to each other. (They certainly weren't father and son.)
George Ritchie Mackay
was born in Edinburgh on 10 November 1870. His parents were
John Mackay
and Euphemia Meiklejohn Ritchie."
Alan Mackay: February 2, 2005
Alan Mackay
Hugh MacKay
"I was the great grandson
of Hugh Mackay
who owned the Palace Hotel on the corner of Princes Street and Castle
Street, and who was also a President of the Clan Mackay Society."
Alan Mackay, Port Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia: February 2, 2005 |
Alan Mackay
Port Melbourne, Victoria,
Alan MacKay also asked:
Question 2
"Am I,
Alan Mackay, related to
George Ritchie Mackay?"
Alan wrote:
Alan MacKay
"I've just looked back at
some of my family history. When my G.Grandfather and his wife had their
first child (Nov 1901) their address is
70 Leith Walk. This is also their address in the 1901 Census"
Alan Mackay, Port Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia: February 2, 2005 |
Michael Ritchie Mackay
Port Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia |
Thank you to Michael Ritchie Mackay for responding to
Question 2
Michael Ritchie Mackay wrote:
Answer to
Question 2
Alan Mackay
"I’ve read with interest and
often wondered about a question raised by
Alan Mackay, enquiring if there
was any likelihood of him being related to
George Ritchie Mackay.
I’m not sure of the exact date my
father was born, but he died in 1969, a few months after retiring, which
would put his birth date somewhere close to 1904, perhaps 1903. It was
the 2nd of July though. I know that for sure.
If Alan’s grandfather was born in
1901 and his address was listed as 70 Leith Walk, which was the address of
my grandfather, then there seems to be too much of a coincidence for there
not be some tie-up somewhere."
Michael Ritchie Mackay, Port
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: July 23, 2010
Gordon Lyon
Forfar, Angus, Scotland |
Thank you to Gordon Lyon for providing more information about several
members of his M'Kay/Mackay/MacKay family.
Gordon concludes in his final sentence that the answer to
Question 1 above is:
James M Mackay was NOT related to George R Mackay."
Gordon wrote:
Family History Research
"I have been doing some research
into my family history, in particular my Great, great Grandfather,
Archibald M'Kay
of Kilmarnock, who was a noted poet and historian. I was very surprised
when I Googled his nephews:
Sutherland Mackay and
James Millar Mackay,
to find a link to your website."
and James were both sons of one of Archibald's brothers,
Adam M'Kay
(born 24.01.1804, died 13.12.1828
See the 'Correction below) who was indeed married to Agnes Millar."
Thank you to John
Humphrey who wrote: |
"Adam McKay was indeed born 24 Jan
1804, but he died 64 years later on 11 Jan 1868, not on 13 Dec 1828
as suggested above.
In fact, all three of his sons
were born after the 1828 date suggested above.
- Alexander S Mackay was born in 1832
James M Mackay were born in 1834
- David McKay was born in 1844.
He served as Provost of Kilmarnock from 1895 until 1901.
John Humphrey: June 10, 2013 (2 emails)
Alexander MacKay's Family
"Adams father.
Alexander M'Kay
(note: the spelling of Mackay varies throughout the years) was the son of:
John Mackay
- Jean (née Sutherland) of
Kildonan in the county of Sutherland.
Alexander joined the Sutherland
Fencibles and eventually settled in Kilmarnock where he met and married
Janet McGill, the daughter of a well-known shoemaker in the town, in 1794.
They had ten children but most died very young or in infancy.
Archibald Mackay
(my great, great grandfather) lived to a good age (82) while his brother,
Adam Mackay,
was 24 when he died but managed to raise a large family with his wife,
Adam Mackay's Family
"Two of their sons went on to be
well-known painters in Edinburgh:
Alexander Sutherland Mackay
was a well respected portrait painter
James Millar Mackay,
his younger brother, was a notable landscape painter.
David Mackay Mackay
(1884-1906), another brother, was Provost of Kilmarnock and is credited
with raising the money to fund the Dick Institute in Kilmarnock as well as
running a Wines and Spirit company, William Wallace & Co, who were
responsible for the brand of whisky called "The Real Mackay" launched
around 1870.
You and other contributors to
your website may be interested to know that a portrait of Archibald M'Kay
which was painted by his nephew, Alexander Sutherland Mackay, and which I
inherited some years ago, is now in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery
in Queen Street, Edinburgh.
Answer to
Question 1
"I can assure your correspondent
that George R. Mackay was definitely not related to James Miller Mackay or
to any of the other Mackays in my family."
Gordon Lyon, Glenogil, Forfar, Angus, Scotland:
December 2, 2012 |