to EdinPhoto web site
- Five men in military uniform
Unidentified Studio Portrait
Five men in Military Uniform
Five men in Military
Uniform (four with moustaches!) - Which regiment?

Reproduced with acknowledgement to June Scott, Bonaly,
Back of the postcard

Reproduced with acknowledgement to June Scott, Bonaly,
Five men in Military Uniform
Front of the Postcard
Thank you to June Scott for providing the postcard portrait
The photograph was probably taken in Edinburgh or Leith, but there is
no studio name and address printed on the back of the photo and no
names of the people in the portrait.
I believe that at least one of the men may be from the Wood family as
this was the source of the photo.
Back of the Postcard
The back of this postcard shows that:
- it has not been sent through the post and
- no photographer's name is printed on the card.
However the note in pencil is interesting. It presumably shows
the price for additional copies of this photograph:
- Postcards: 2/6 (two shillings and
sixpence = 12.5p) for 12
- Whole plate: 1/6 (one shilling and sixpence = 7.5p)
for 3
If you can tell me
which regiment these men are from, and/or approximately when this photograph
might have been taken, please
e-mail me.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs: October 16, 2006 |
Answer |
Thank you to John Duncan for providing an opinion on this photo.
John has been helpful on several occasions in the past in identifying the
regiments of soldiers.
For the photograph above, John wrote:
"I think these men are Queens Own Cameron
John Duncan, Newtongrange, Midlothian, Scotland:
January 10, 2007