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Ferrier & Soulier



The glass negative below is of a stereo pair of photos take looking from the slopes of Calton Hill towards Princes Street and Edinburgh Castle.

This view looks down over Calton Hill (foreground right - more in focus on the right hand image) with the National Galleries in Princes Street behind. 

Almost in the centre (a little to the left) is the Governor's House.

In the background (seen more clearly on the left hand image) is the silhouette of Edinburgh Castle, perched on the hill behind the National Galleries.

A stereo pair of glass views by Ferrier and Soulier  -  Looking towards Edinburgh Castle from Calton Hill

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Paul Burford

Below is an enlargement of the right-hand image from this stereo pair:

Thr right hand photo from a stereo pair by Ferrier and Soulier  -  Looking towards Edinburgh Castle from Calton Hill

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Paul Burford

Ferrier & Soulier:     Stereo views on glass       Stereo No 44       Stereo No 943


