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Ferrier & Soulier



 Panorama d'Edinbourg pris de Calton Hill'

There are now two glass stereo views of looking down from Calton Hill to the west across Edinburgh on this web site  -  both supplied by Paul Burford, who writes:

Claud-Marie Ferrier and Charles Soulier were both photographers and they photographed and published a vast catalogue of stereographs.

Their European glass positives are probably the most common of the glass stereographs still in circulation (and they're not very common).

They only produced about 17 of Edinburgh and most were of ruins, monuments and Holyrood, they were taken in the mid 1860's.

It is not until you have viewed a glass stereopositive that you realise how superior they are over the stereo cards but sadly they were only produced early on.

Cards were cheaper, lighter and didn't break when you dropped them, consequently they became the preferred medium.

I can appreciate the comments in the third paragraph above, even for today's photography.  A medium format slide (eg. 7cm x 6cm on Fuji Velvia, when held in the hand can have far more impact than a 35mm slide or a print!

Ferrier & Soulier:     Stereo views on glass       Stereo No 44       Stereo No 943


