JF Duthie was
a Member of Edinburgh Photographic Society in the early-1900s, and EPS
President for two years from 1908. Here is a photo of him when he
was an EPS Council Member in 1903.

by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society
This photo
was taken by
Moffat, and appeared on the back of the menu for the
3rd EPS Annual Dinner in November 1903.
JF Duthie was based at 13 South St David Street from
1903 until 1940. He advertised his business there as:
- Photographic Dealer
throughout that period, and also as:
- Optical Limelight
Lanternist (1904-19)
- Enlarging
- Developing & Printing
I don't know when, during this period, the
developing & printing wallet above might date from.
I was surprised to see that the wallet referred to
the prices for making lantern slides. Lantern slides were
popular in the late-19th century, but lantern slide shows became less
common in the 20th century, once the cinemas had begun to open.
Perhaps somebody with a good knowledge of the prices
that used to be charged for making prints might be able to suggest an
approximate date for this wallet. |