Jerome Ltd.

Outdoor Postcard Portrait

Wullie Croal in Navy Uniform  -  c.1941

Jerome Ltd  -  Portrait of Wullie Croal

©   Photo of Wullie Croal is reproduced with acknowledgement to his son, Tam



Wullie Croal

Thank you to Tam Croal, for providing a copy of this photograph of his dad, Wullie, in Navy Uniform, taken at Jerome's studio.  Thank you to Joyce Ritchie, Wullie's daughter now living in London, for telling me that:

-  Wullie was born in 1923

-  the photo was taken about 1941, when he joined up.

Tam has provided many photos of Holyrood Park and the Dumbiedykes district, taken by Wullie between the 1950s and 1970s.  I have included these on the EdinPhoto web site.




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