Holyrood Park

Photos provided by Tam Croal

taken by his father

Wullie Croal

Wullie Croal and his enlarger

     Wullie Croal in navy uniform - photograph by Jerome ©    Wullie Croal standing beside St Margaret's Loch in Holyrood Park ©    The enlarger used to print Wullie Croal's photographs of Dumbiedykes taken in the 1950s to 1970s ©


Holyrood Park

Holyrood Park   -  Salisbury Crags, Edinburgh Castle and Rainbow ©

Salisbury Crags, Edinburgh Castle
and Rainbow

Wullie Croal standing beside St Margaret's Loch in Holyrood Park ©

St Margaret's Loch + Wullie Croal

St Margaret's Loch in Holyrood Park - in winter ©

St Margaret's Loch

Tam Croal and his brother on the Slidey Stane in Holyrood Park ©

The Slidey Stane

Looking down on Dumbiedykes following demolition ©

Looking towards Dumbiedykes

Looking down on St Leonards and Dumbiedykes following demolition©

Looking towards St Leonards
and Dumbiedykes

Looking down on St Leonards following demolition ©

Looking towards St Leonards

Looking from Holyrood Park towards Brown Street©

Looking towards Brown Street


Back Green of 6 Heriot Mount  -  beside Holyrood Park

Party in Holyrood Park beside the entrance to Heriot Mount ©

Heriot Mount Party - children

Party in Holyrood Park beside the entrance to Heriot Mount ©

Heriot Mount Party - adults

Five girls in Holyrood Park beside the entrance to Heriot Mount ©

Heriot Mount - five girls



Holyrood Park

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Old Photos

Wullie Croal's photos

Recent Photos  Spring. Summer, Autumn

Recent Photos  Winter

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