Thomas Rodger


Early photographer
from St Andrews

Thomas Rodger  -  c.1863

Thomas Rodger, ealy St Andrews Photographer - c.1863  -  possibly a self portrait

©  Reproduced by courtesy St Andrews University Library              Ref ALB1-120

This photograph of Thomas Rodger comes from the collection in St Andrews University Library.  It is a photograph of Thomas Rodger, possible a self-portrait.  It was taken around 1863.


Thomas Rodger's Date of Birth

I have seen Thomas Rodger's life described as '1833-83' in many photographic reference books. 

However, Peter Francis (g.g.grandson of Thomas Rodger) now living in Surrey, has been researching his family history.  He tells me that Thomas Rodger was in fact born on 18 April 1832 and died on 6 January 1883.



Family Name

Peter Francis has also been researching the family name.

Peter writes:

"The spelling of Rodger is a bit of a minefield.  Senior was born Roger in 1809, married as Roger in 1832, shown as the father of his son who was born 3 months later (!) as Roger, yet he died as Rodger in 1876.  Junior was born Roger in 1832, married as Rodger in 1855 and died as Rodger in 1883.  So somewhere between 1832 and 1855, they all added a D!  Best left alone perhaps, we’ll never know the answer.

Another curiosity to which there will be no answer is why Thomas Rodger, my great grandfather, born 1856, became Thomas Rodger Rodger by the time of his marriage in 1880.  And to add a red herring for family tree researchers, Thomas Rodger junior’s youngest brother, John, christened his first born son Thomas Rodger Rodger in 1884!  Crazy!

Peter Francis, g.g.g.grandson of Thomas Rodger, Sen: June 11, 2008


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Thomas Rodger [Sen]   Thomas Rodger [Jun]   Thomas R Rodger

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