Postcard Portrait

Claude Low


Postcard portrait with a studio car and backdrop by Claude Low

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  Postcard portrait with a studio car and backdrop by Claude Low ©


Postcard Portrait

This is one of several postcard portraits that I have seen by Claude Low, all using the same car and backdrop.

My original thought was that they would have been taken at the address on the back of the picture.  i.e. Claude Low's studio at 72 Princes Street.

However, it has now been suggested to me that they may have been taken at the Waverley Market Carnival.

The negative numbers have been  placed on the car radiator.  The car seems to have been well used.  I have postcards with numbers:

-    493:  two men in bowler hats

-  1206:  two young men in flat caps

-  1751:  family


The Low Family  -  thumbnail images

Claude Low  -  postcards


