The Back Green

Where is it?

Sandra Givan (baby) with her mum and gran  -  1960

Photograph taken on the back green behind Craigmillar Castle Terrace

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Sandra Givan, Craigmillar, Edinburgh


Craigmillar Back Greens

Back Green

Thank you to Sandra Givan, Craigmillar for allowing me to reproduce this family photograph of back greens at Craigmillar

Sandra wrote:

"Happy days were ahead of me, especially playing in the back green, ideal for rounders.  You could hit it for miles without breaking windows, and nobody complained."

Sandra Givan, Craigmillar, Edinburgh: October 19, 2007



Where is it?

I originally thought that the back greens above were those behind Craigmillar Castle Terrace, where Sandra Givan, the baby in the photograph above lived at the time.

However, Ralph Maltman commented:

Not Craigmillar?

"Sorry, but that's not Craigmillar.  We never had windows in the stairs, and there is no corner building anywhere in Craigmillar.  I have confirmed this with a lady who is a perfectionist in this area."

Ralph Maltman, Canada:  October 12, 2008

So, does anybody recognise where the photograph might have been taken?




Andy Hall

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England

West Pilton?

Andy Hall wrote:

"I'm not 100% sure, but the picture looks like the back green in West Pilton Crossway.  It probably goes by a different name today.

The view would be looking south. My Grandparents lived at 11 West Pilton Bank, and this looks very much like the view from their back garden."

Andy Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England: October 13, 2008




Bob Henderson

Burdiehouse, Edinburgh

Craigmillar or Prestonfield?

Bob Henderson wrote:

"Hi Peter: Sam Maltman is wrong on at least one point.

The houses in Craigmillar did indeed have stair windows as can be seen in your panorama. 

Craigmillar  -  360 degree panoramic view - March 2007 ©

Please click on this panorama below to enlarge it.

The stair windows all looked out into the backgreens. When you look at the panorama it has to be remembered that the chimneys were to the front of the gables. You will see in the centre of the panorama that you see the back of the building and that it is symmetrical about the centre vertical row of windows.  These were the stair windows.

I remember them well as my wife-to-be lived in Harewood Road and I spent quite some time in her stair saying my goodnights.

The other possibility is Prestonfield as these houses were very similar to the Craigmillar houses, as has been noted here before.  I know they had stair windows as my grandfather lived in Prestonfield from when the houses were new until he died in 1961.

Bob Henderson, Burdiehouse, Edinburgh:  October 13, 2008




Sandra Girvan

Craigmillar, Edinbrugh

Craigmillar Castle Gardens

Sandra Givan, who sent me the photograph above, after speaking to several of her relatives, replied:

"From my memories, this really looks like the Craigmillar houses and backgreen, with the washing polls all in the centre.  We used to make great swings there.

There was also a metal fence around the centre of the backgreen and we also used to play on that.  Thinking about it now, the fence was very dangerous with spears on the top.  Within the fence, there was a sort of no-mans-land with overgrown grass etc.  Thats were we had our big bonfires."


"I've just spoken to several relatives including my mother.  She is sure this photo was taken in the back green of Craigmillar Castle Gardens (not Craigmillar Castle Terrace as I said previously).

This back green is very similar to the type in the in Craigmillar Castle Terrace where we lived.  Hence my mistake.

As Bob says (above) I was sure that there were windows in the stairs that looked out to the backgreens, too."

Sandra Givan, Craigmillar, Edinburgh: October 13, 2008




Peter Stubbs


Craigmillar Castle Gardens

I agree with Sandra's conclusion above. 

I've marked on the 1940 map, below, where the photograph would have been taken from.

1940 map of Craigmillar and Niddrie, SW corner -  showing where a back green photograph was taken from.

©      Extract from a map by Bartholemew, 1940-41

This map clearly shows:

TOP LEFT OF PHOTO:  The backs of the houses in Niddrie Mains Road.

TOP CENTRE OF PHOTO:  The curved block of houses on the corner of Niddrie Mains Road and Craigmillar Castle Gardens

-  TOP RIGHT OF PHOTO:  The houses on either side of Craigmillar Castle Grove, including the gaps in these houses.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: October 13, 2008

And now for another photo...

Another family photo from Sandra Givan

Here is another photograph of Sandra, taken a few months later, outside the pre-fab houses at Greendykes, on her first birthday.

Outside a Greendykes Pre-fab ©


Edinburgh and Leith map, 1940 -  Craigmillar and Niddrie section, with key to housing areas ©

Notes and Maps showing areas
of Craigmillar and Niddrie




Craigmillar 1940s + 1950s       Craigmillar 1960s + 1970s        Craigmillar 1970s + 1980s

Craigmillar Castle        Craigmillar Castle Estate        Niddrie      Edinburgh


Niddrie and Craigmillar Photos       Edinburgh Photos



