St Leonard's District Photos
Photo 5
Simon Square
See reply below |

Reproduced with acknowledgement to David Gordon, Old Town, Edinburgh
1894 Map
showing where the photograph above was taken from

This annotated Ordnance Survey 1:500 Town
Plan of 1894
is reproduced with acknowledgement to Neil Lawrence.
See 'Reply 2' below.
St Leonard's District -
1920s |
Collection of Photos
The image above
is taken from a collection of whole-plate negatives. The
photos were probably taken around the 1920s.
If you recognise this
street, please email me.
Thank you. Peter
Stubbs: July 4, 2008 |
John Hadden
Edinburgh |
Thank you to John Hadden, Edinburgh, who wrote: |
Simon Square
"I think
that the view in Photo 5 is the back of the block of buildings
seen in Photo 21.
Photo 5
© |
Photo 21
Along the front
of the block in Photo 21 can be seen a single chimney pot and then
2 groups of 4 chimney pots to the right.
On Photo 5, we
can see the faint outline of the chimneys on the other side of the
block and there are 2 groups of 4 chimney pots at the left and a
single pot further to the right.
The tall block
on the left of Photo 5 is at an angle to the lower main block.
This is similar to what happens at the change of direction at the
meeting point of Davie Street and Simon Square.
The gap at the
far right of Photo 5 would therefore be Gibb's Entry.
John Hadden, Edinburgh:
July 11, 2008 |
Neil Lawrence
Fountainbridge, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Neil Lawrence for annotating a copy of his 1:500
Ordnance Survey Town Plan of Edinburgh, 1894, to show where the
photograph above would have been taken from.
Neil's annotated map is reproduced below the photograph at the
top of this page.
Acknowledgement: Neil
Lawrence, Fountainbridge, Edinburgh: July 15, 2008. |
1891 Map
Simon Square can be
found on the South Side map below, on the right-hand side of the
map, about 2/3 of the way down the map.