St Leonard's District Photos

Photo 8

East Crosscauseway


St Leonard's District -  1920s

©   Reproduced with acknowledgement to David Gordon, Old Town, Edinburgh


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    St Leonard's District -  1920s ©


St Leonard's District  -  1920s

East Crosscauseway

Here is a view of some of the shops on the south side of East Crosscauseway.  The newsagent's shop on the right-hand side of the photograph above is the same shop as appears on the left-hand side of the photo below:

    St Leonard's District -  1920s ©

Collection of Photos

The image  above is taken from a collection of whole-plate negatives.  The photos were probably taken around the 1920s. 

If you recognise this street, please email me.

Thank you.    Peter Stubbs: July 4, 2008


Date of the Photo

Thank you to Phil Wilson of Aberdeen, formerly Edinburgh,  for following up some of the newspaper headlines in this photo.

Phil wrote

Newspaper Headlines

"There are a couple of clues to the possible date of this photo.

One of the headlines is 'Bottomley Five years in Hell?' The swindler Horatio Bottomley was imprisoned in 1922 and served 5 years, being released in 1927.

On the right, a sporting paper advertises 'Murray's Diary for August. The poster is a bit tatty, looking as if it had been there a couple of months, so I would guess that this photo was taken a bit nearer the end of 1927.

There is another headline 'Atlantic Flown Again', probably referring to the crossing of the South Atlantic by air by Costes and Le Brix on 14-15 October 1927, the second non-stop crossing of the Atlantic by air, the first having been by Lindbergh in May that year.

November 1927

So I'd plump therefore for round about early November 1927.  I don't know whether the rest of the photos might date from around this time.

Phil Wilson, Aberdeen, Scotland:  July 7, 2008


1891 Maps

East Crosscauseway can be found in the lower-right corner of the South Side map and towards the upper-left corner of the St Leonard's map below



South Side

1891 Map

   Edinburgh Old Town  -  Extract from a Bartholemew Map, 1891  -  South Side ©

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St Leonard's

1891 Map

   Edinburgh Old Town  -  Extract from a Bartholemew Map, 1891  -  St Leonard's ©

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St Leonard's District

Edinburgh Recollections

Around Edinburgh

More photos -  Questions and Answers:  Where is it? 


