Drinking Fountain
Which park is this? |
Where is this drinking fountain?

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to Keith Flockhart,
Hamilton, New Zealand: September 27, 2010
Drinking Fountain in a Park
Which park is this? |
Thank you
to Keith Flockhart, now living in New Zealand for allowing me to reproduce
this photo, taken in an Edinburgh park.
Do you
recognise this park? It may be somewhere around Bonnington; other
photos from Keith Flockhart's collection were taken in or near Bonnington
in the 1950s.
I have not
been able to decipher the writing carved into the stone below the
fountain, except for the final word, which may be 'society'.
If you have
any idea where this photo might have been taken, please email me.
Thank you.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: September 27, 2010 |
Carol Stubbs
Edinburgh |
Thank you
to Carol Stubbs who wrote:
Inverleith Park?
"I remember a drinking
fountain, possibly similar, in the middle of Inverlieth Park
- but there might have been several Edinburgh parks that had similar
drinking fountains.
Carol Stubbs, Edinburgh: September
27, 2010 |
Frank Ferri
Newhaven, Edinburgh |
Thank you
to Frank Ferri who wrote:
Victoria Park
think this drinking fountain is in Victoria Park, next to the bowling
green. It is still there.
There used to be an
identical one at Anchorfield on the wee prom. It was removed when
the Newhaven bypass was built."
Frank Ferri, Newhaven, Edinburgh:
September 27, 2010 |
Keith Flockhart
New Zealand |
I emailed
Keith Flockhart who sent this picture and asked if he was the boy at the
"Yes, it was me.
It was a long time ago - 1955. I'm not sure, but it could have been
taken at the park off Newhaven Road and Ferry Road.
Keith Flockhart, New Zealand: September 28, 2010 |
Victoria Park
** That would
be Victoria Park, the same park as Frank Ferri mentions in 'Reply 2'
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: September
28, 2010 |
Frank Ferri
Newhaven, Edinburgh |
Thank you
to Frank Ferri for emailing me again after visiting Victoria Park this
morning with his camera and taking these photos:
These photos were taken in
an attempt to find out whether or not the photo
at the top of this page would also have been
taken at Victoria Park.
Frank wrote:
Not Victoria Park
"It looks like we can rule
out Victoria Park for this photo:
The drinking fountain in
Victoria Park that I photographed this morning is similar to the one in
the 1955 photo above, even thought the lions' heads are missing from the
Victoria Park photo.
However the inscriptions on
the two statues are different."
However see 'Reply 5' below |
Frank added:
"There was a drinking
fountain at Anchorfield on the wee prom
opposite the Prom Bar or Constance Lannie's
dad's shop, but the area was redeveloped to
provide a roadway along the side of the
docks and the pier and fountain were removed.
In the early 1980s,
I contact Edinburgh Council (as a Newhaven community leader) to trace
where this fountain had been put, because it was
a memorial, gifted by private funds.
I managed to physically trace it to a council
road works yard in Stanwell Place, just off
Bonnington Road. I
requested that the council reinstate it, perhaps
in Fishmarket Square.
never was reinstated, and I
don't know where it is now. The council sent me a plan drawing of
the fountain but at this moment I can't find
it." |
Frank Ferri, Newhaven, Edinburgh:
September 28, 2010 |
Ian Ross
Craigentinny, Edinburgh |
Thank you
to Ian Ross who wrote:
Victoria Park
"From the markings
on the pedestal, I would say that there is no
doubt whatsoever that this is the same monument
in both photos.
Some of the lettering must have been added
later (on the upper portion) but there is no way that the long dark scrape
on the front part of the pedestal and the lighter spot on the side of the
pedestal could be identical on two different fountains!"
Ian Ross, Craigentinny, Edinburgh
Winnie Lisowski
Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland |
Thank you
to Winnie Lisowski for sending me another fountain photo.
I don't
know whether this photo is of the fountain in Victoria Park or whether it
is of another fountain of the same style elsewhere.
"Here is a photo of my
husband when he was a boy. I see that there has already been some
discussion of this fountain.
I thought you might find
this photo interesting as you can see some buildings in the background."
Winnie Lisowski, Dunbar, East Lothian,
Scotland: March 6, 2012

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Winnie Lisowski, Dunbar, East Lothian,
Patrick Lindsay
Perth, Western Australia,
Australia |
Thank you
to Patrick Lindsay for posting a message in the EdinPhoto Guestbook.
Victoria Park
"I think this fountain is in Victoria
The significant damage mark - the
roundish ding on the lower LHS of the base in the photo above - is also
shown in the same place on the RHS face of this recent photo of the
Victoria Park fountain.
This is the face that a youngster would
possibly climb onto when running up to the fountain in the park from the
path. Maybe someone would like to take a pic of that face."
Patrick Lindsay, Perth, Western
Australia, Australia:
Message posted in EdinPhoto Guestbook, March 7, 2012 |
Frank Ferri
Perth, Western Australia,
Australia |
Thank you
to Frank Ferri who wrote:
Victoria Park
"The fountain in Winnie
Lisowski's photo is the one in Victoria Park at Newhaven Road. The
bowling green is to the left. The fountain is still there."
Frank Ferri, Newhaven, Edinburgh:
March 7, 2012 |