Post-card  -  Picturesque and Romantic Series

John Knox House


Post card in the style of an oil painting

©  For permission to reproduce, please contact

The backs of postcards in this series were heavily textured, as in the example below.


Post-card  -  Picturesque and Romantic Series

John Knox House

Postcard Publisher

The post card of John Knox House, above, was posted on 29 July 1901 from Edinburgh to Glasgow.

The publisher is not named, but the card has quite a distinctive style, so no doubt others will be able to identify the publisher. 

The card includes a brief description of John Knox House, and has a reproduction of the City of Edinburgh Coat of Arms, underneath the postmark.

Royal Mile Map

Please click on the image below to see a map of the Royal Mile, sold for a penny by W J Hay:

William J Hay  -  Small leaflet  -  Royal Mile Map ©

More Post Cards

Please click on the image below to see postcards of John Knox House:

W J Hay: Castle Series

   John Knox House in the Royal Mile  -  Described in this 'Knox series' post card by W J Hay as "House in which John Knox died". ©


Please click on the image below to see the front and back of a voucher for entry to John Knox House, including a brief description of the history of the house.

The front of a sixpenny voucher for John Knox House ©




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Views of Edinburgh

Princes Street views:
 Looking E         Looking W         Looking N + NE        Looking S

from Calton Hill        Preparing for the Trams        Princes Street Gardens

Other street views:
 Grassmarket         George Street          High Street        High Street closes        Leith Street
Lothian Road       North Bridge       Saint James Sq       
Waverley Bridge       More Streets


