The tug MEDUSA - at Inverness

Daniel Earl
Photo taken probably between 1998 and 2002
Dan Earl
Aberdeenshire, Scotland |
Thank you to Daniel Earl, Aberdeen, for allowing me to reproduce his photograph
of the tug, MEDUSA, above. This is one of many photos of tugs
in Dan's collection.
Dan wrote:
"I am trying to trace the history of the tug
MEDUSA, referred to in
Renny Robertson's comments.
I took this photo myself in Inverness,
some time between 1998 and 2002, I think!
Maybe you might have or know of
someone that has a photo of the MEDUSA."
Dan Earl, Aberdeen,
Aberdeenshire, Scotland: November 5, 2009 |
If you have any more information about the tug, Medusa, or
know of any other photos of MEDUSA,
please email me, then I'll pass on the news to Daniel.
Thank you.
Stubbs: November 5, 2009 |
Dan Earl
Aberdeenshire, Scotland |
Thank you to Dan Earl for writing again to let me know that he had
discovered a little more about this tug.
Dan wrote:
The Same Tug
"My Thames-based contact, tells me that
the tug in this photo WAS the same tug as
Renny Robertson mentions on the EdinPhoto web site.
50ftx14ftx6.5ft, single screw Crossley Diesel
150 bhp.
- 1952: Built
by James Pollock Faversham Kent
- 1953-70:
A P C M Ltd
- 1970:
to J T Palmer & sons Gravesend
- 1972:
to J Dinwoodie & sons Granton
- 1974:
- 1994:
Broken up at
Dan Earl, Aberdeen,
Aberdeenshire, Scotland: November 5, 2009 |
Colin Ashton |
Thank you to Colin Aston who wrote:
Storm in Firth of
"I can confirm that the tug MEDUSA sank
during a storm in the Forth about two miles east of Inchkeith in 1974,
unfortunately with the loss of at least two lives.
Some time after the search was abandoned, it
was snagged by a fishing trawler and when divers went down to free the net
the wreck was found."
Colin Aston: December
7, 2009 |
Don Macleod |
Thank you to Don Macleod who wrote:
Kessock Bridge
"I worked as a deckhand on the Medusa in Oct -
Dec 1978 when she was on contract for the building of the Kessock bridge.
I was working for the owner of Medusa, Jimmy
Kelman, who had salvaged and rebuilt the tug following her loss in the
Firth of Forth. She was a great working boat and I have fond memories of
my time on her."
Don Macleod: April 7,
2012 |
David Ross
Granton, Edinburgh |
Thank you to David Ross, who later went on to work for
John Dinwoodie, shipping contractors and owners of 'Medusa' for
writing with:
- some of his
memories of working for John Dinwoodie and
- more information (below) about the
sinking of 'Medusa'.
John wrote:
Sinking of
"When 'Medusa'
sank in a storm in the Firth of Forth, John Dinwoodie, had been going out
to pick up equipment from an oil supply ship beyond Inchkeith in the Firth
of Forth.
'Medusa' was not licensed to go beyond
Inchkeith but as she was John's favourite boat, and as he was the Boss,
he used her.
There was also a first-time
worker on the boat, who had worked his first week and would have been paid
that day on return, but the young lad never
returned home that Friday night.
John Dinwoodie Jn took over the business.
He wanted 'Medusa' to be brought ashore after the
accident, but she broke up before they got her near land.
I went out, a year
to the day after the sinking of 'Medusa',
to the same oil supply ship with John Dinwoodie Jn, to pick up submarine
cable. We went in the 'Inchmickery' boat.
That's the boat that I used all the time.
I could sense that he was on edge. By
10pm, when we left, he had told me what had happened the year before, but
I still went."
David Ross, Granton,
Edinburgh: 15 November
2015 (2 emails) |