Lothian Buses
Buses in Princes Street


Buses in Harlequin Livery

 Two buses in Princes Street, showing  older and more recent examples of the Lothian Buses harlequin livery  -  November 2005

© Peter Stubbs                                                                                                                            Photograph taken 19 November 2005

Buses in Harlequin Livery

A harlequin pattern comprising red and gold diamonds on white was used for new low-floor buses when they were introduced in 1999. 

A  similar pattern has been used for all subsequent low floor buses.  These low floor buses are fitted to accommodate wheelchairs and prams.  Now more than half the buses in the fleet are low-floor.

Two buses in Princes Street, showing  older and more recent examples of the Lothian Buses harlequin livery  -  November 2005 ©

The original harlequin pattern had overlapping diamonds ranging from small to large as used for the bus in front in this photo.  These buses did not carry any adverts for the first few months.

More recently the pattern has become simpler fewer small diamonds and no overlapping diamonds as used in the bus  behind in this photo.





