Trinity Crescent
Edinburgh |
Looking to the east towards Newhaven

Reproduced with acknowledgement to the
National Tramway Museum, Crich, Derbyshire, England
Crescent |
The View
This view looks to the east along
Trinity Crescent, from a point close to where the railway
bridge crosses Trinity Crescent at the foot of Trinity Road.
The railway bridge is out of the picture
on the right. The Firth of Forth is on the extreme left, and
the church beside the harbour at Newhaven is on the left of
the picture. |
I don't know the publisher of this post
card. I have only seen the front of the card.
Looking at the back of
this card might reveal who the publisher was and /or when the
card is likely to have been published.
I don't know when this photo might
have been taken. How long did that elaborate lamp post,
in the centre of the picture, on Trinity Crescent, survive? |