Edinburgh Direct Aid


16a West Harbour Road, Granton



Wall on the east side of the Yard

Graffiti painted 2010

Graffiti on walls on east and north sides sides of the yard of Edinburgh Direct Aid, 16a West Harbour Road, Granton.  The graffiti was painted in 2010 and photographed in 2013.

©  Please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk                                                                                    Photo taken December 23, 2013



Wall on the south side of the Yard

This is the wall of the Edinburgh Gift Aid Warehouse  -  Direct Aid landing by Parachute

Graffiti on walls on east and north sides sides of the yard of Edinburgh Direct Aid, 16a West Harbour Road, Granton.  The graffiti was painted in 2010 and photographed in 2013.

©  Please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk                                                                                     Photo taken December 8, 2013


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of these 2 photos

    Graffiti on walls on east and north sides sides of the yard of Edinburgh Direct Aid, 16a West Harbour Road, Granton.  The graffiti was painted in 2010 and photographed in 2013. ©



Street Furniture

Street Art and Graffiti


