
The "Wee Lane"

leading to

The Plantation

The "Wee Lane"  -  Around 1950

Dumbiedykes  -  "Wee Lane" to the Plantation

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services
Neg. A907C


The "Wee Lane"

Thank you to Maureen Mitchell (née Graham), Gilmerton, Edinburgh,  for sending me the photograph above:

Maureen wrote:

My Gran

"I think this photo was taken about 1950/51 at the top of what was always called the "wee lane" which led to the Plantation.

It shows my gran Mary (Agnes) Brown, who was married to Charles.  Gran is holding me.  My older brother, Gordon, is standing in front."

The Houses

"At the back of the pic you can see (1st balcony to the right) Ma Nelson's house and above that is the Bottomley's house."

Maureen Blair:  January 7, 2006

The Plantation was an area of trees on the western edge of Holyrood Park.



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