Tour Bus
Waverley Bridge
Here is an open-top tour bus, an ex-London Transport
Routemaster, with a full load of passengers on the upper deck.
The photograph was taken at Waverley Bridge in April 2003.
This view looks to the west across Princes Street
Gardens. The buildings of the skyline are, from left to right:
- Head Office of Bank of Scotland
- Camera Obscura (very small in this view:
white with dark dome)
- Free Church of Scotland Buildings, Bank Street
(dark, with spires)
- Ramsay Garden (white, pink roofs)
- Edinburgh Castle (mostly hidden behind the large
There are a surprising number of people sunbathing in
East Princes Street Garden, considering that the photograph was taken in
Please click on the picture below to see the same view
about 50 years earlier: