Princes Street - Looking
West - A crowd and trams on a wet day

Reproduced with acknowledgement to John Stewart, Livingstone,
West Lothian, Scotland
When was this Photo Taken? |
Do you know when this photograph may have been taken, and what was the
occasion that brought out these crowds?
If you can help to answer these questions, please
e-mail me.
Answer 1
Royal Visit around 1946? |
Thank you to Douglas Beath, now living in Tasmania, Australia, for another of his well researched replies.
The reply below gives several hints for dating other photographs of
Princes Street. Douglas wrote:
The Evidence
A difficult one, in the absence of motor
vehicles and shop fronts.
However, from recollections and Hunter's
1. Trams don't have white paint all
round floor level for visibility in wartime black-out.
2. Street lamps appear to be
fully restored, not with "dim-out" skirt of near war's end.
3. Tram's lowest side panel is cream
coloured: wooden cars had this changed to maroon from 1946,
fairly rapidly I think.
4. Street lamp brackets are the old
small ones which were replaced by long high north-south ones about
5. Tram loading islands too are the
old small ones, before rebuilding in 1951.
6. Frederick Street tram junction was
lifted in 1952.
7. Tram carries no adverts, which
started in 1952.
8. I doubt if such a large
distraction would have been staged during the war,
and the absence of flags suggests it was shortly after war's end
while rationing (including of clothes) still prevailed. Yet
surely the shops had old flags for their several poles ? |
I suggest (without direct evidence) that
it could have been the King & Queen's visit about 1946. I remember
the entire school lined up along Regent Road. I don't remember rain
but maybe it had eased, hence the willing crowd in Princes Street.
Also, as trams are still coming through,
the photo would have been taken well before the royal passage. The
royal car passed us so quickly we hardly had time to draw breath to
The road was immediately reopened and
the first vehicle through was a ramshackle lorry laden with
potatoes. Our cheering must have echoed off Arthur's Seat ! |
Douglas Beath, Burnie, Tasmania,
May 2005 |
Answer 2
First Edinburgh Festival? |
Thank you to George P Murray who wrote:
"The tramway evidence sent in
already is all accurate but I think the ivory rocker panels lasted
on some wooden cars till say 1948. The trams in that condition
could be from the late 1930's as well as post-war.
I don't think it is a
royal occasion as the kids would have had paper flags to wave at the
least. How about the first Edinburgh festival? Was there a
parade? The weather is certainly up to festival standard!! and it
is summer time going by the trees."
George P
Murray: January 30, 2006 |
Unfortunately, 'Answer 3' seems to have
Answer 4
Orange Order Parade? |
Thank you to
John Stewart for adding the following comment to the EdinPhoto Guest Book.
John wrote:
Orange Order Parade?
"Re the photograph I sent you of Princes
Street with the crowd awaiting what seems to be a procession of a sort, it
has just occurred to me what it might have been.
In 1948 or 1949, an Orange Order parade took place
in Edinburgh that was to be the biggest in Scotland, ever. It would
be marching on both sides of Princes Street. I remember I was returning
from a BB summer camp when it took place.
There was a reported incident that a tram
driver had been assaulted for driving too close to the parade. Maybe this
was the occasion, for the dress wear in the picture was typical for the
time, and obviously no flags were draped from shop fronts for the Walk."
John Stewart, Livingstone, West Lothian,
Scotland: August 5, 2007 |
searched 'The Scotsman' archives for 1946-49, but have not been
able to find the date of this parade, or any account or photograph of
in 'The Scotsman'.
Peter Stubbs:
August 7, 2007 |
Answer 5
1951? |
Thank you to
Tony Henderson, formerly of Edinburgh, now living in Edinburgh for adding
this message to the EdinPhoto Guest Book.
Tony wrote:
Orange Order Parade?
"On the
picture of Princes Street - if it was the Orange Order Parade, it was 1951.
I remember the date as I had to cross through the parade at the Waverley
steps. I had been recalled from the Air Force and was in uniform."
Tony Henderson, Canada: August
9, 2007 |
Answer 6
1951? |
Here is a
photograph of the Orange Order Procession in Princes Street in July 1951.
Please click
on the thumbnail image below to read a brief account of this march from
the Edinburgh Evening News.
Peter Stubbs: August 10, 2007 |
Answer 7
Royal Visit or Pipers? |
Thank you to
Sheila McGregor, France (formerly Edinburgh) who wrote:
Visit by the Royal Family?
"Could the wet event be a visit by the Royal
Family, perhaps Elizabeth and Philip after their wedding?
The only other thing I remember was a parade
of 1,000 pipers, but don't know when that was."
Sheila McGregor, France: November 26, 2007
I've had a
look at those two suggestions.
1. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip married on November
20, 1947. I believe that their first Royal Visit to Edinburgh after
the marriage was a 3-day visit beginning March 1, 1949.
I cannot find any mention of a Royal Parade along Princes Street during
that visit.
2. There have been several 'Marches of 1,000 Pipers' through Edinburgh.
The earliest I have found was around 1955/56. This seems a few years
too late, based on the clues in Answer 1 above.
Peter Stubbs: November 26, 2007 |
Answer 8
Royal Visit around 1946? |
Thank you to
Sheila McGregor who added:
"I distinctly remember King George VI and the
Queen driving along Princes Street, perhaps soon after the end of the War.
But wonder if they would have cleared the
entire road for them - not that there was much to clear
in the 1940s."
Sheila McGregor: November 27, 2007
Answer 9
Not the Royal Visit, 1946 |
Thank you to
George Nossiter who wrote:
Royal Visit to Edinburgh
"Your photo revived some memories for me. In
1946, I was serving in the RAF and was
In late summer 1946, while serving in the RAF
and stationed at RAF Leuchars, I became part of a large detachment
detailed to line the route in Princess St. for the visit of King George
6th, the Queen, and the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret."
RAF Presence
"After an intensive period of training, and a
dress rehearsal visit to Edinburgh, we finally took part in the event,
which I think would have been in late August. Your photo shows no
sign of a military presence along the route.
We marched along Princess St. and took up our
positions long before the event, which casts doubt on this being a photo
from that particular time. Neither do I recall any rain that day.
This I would have remembered ,as we wore no protective clothing."
George Nossiter: February 17, 2008
Answer 10
Royal Visit, 1946? |
Thank you to
M Thomson who wrote:
"The white dots on the far side of the street
could possibly be the small paper flags that were sold prior to the Royal
Family visit in 1946.
I still remember my mother being upset with me
coming home with two paper flags for six pence. She thought they
should have been cloth as previously noted.
We all waited a long time, and the vehicles
with the Royal Family went by at a high rate of speed. I doubt they
saw my white flag."
"The tram in the picture looks like a
converted cable car (- low number, possibly 43 or 49) lacking gold trim on
the front, as most were. All converted cable cars were scrapped by
1947, prior to the first Edinburgh Festival
Street Lamp Brackets
The street lamp brackets mentioned are the old narrow
ANSWER 6: This
picture of the 1951 Orange Order Parade clearly shows the new widely
extended light bar atop each pole.
CONCLUSION: Even though the weather and
crowd look similar, the two pictures clearly show two different parades in
two different time frames. That's why I think the picture in
question is more likely to be of the 1946 Royal Visit."
M Thomson, Liverpool, New York, USA: August 30, 2008
Answer 11
Royal Visit, 1946? |
It's over
two years since anybody last sent any message about this procession along
Princes Street. However, Vicki Jones has now written.
No Bunting
"I agree with Douglas Beath's conclusion in 1
i.e. possibly 1946.
I cannot see any form of bunting, which I
would have thought would have been somewhere for a Royal Visit, even just
after the war.
Vicki Jones, Australia: February 15, 2011 |
Answer 12
Orange Parade
51st Highland Division |
Thank you to
Bob Sharp, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, who wrote:
Parades held following the War
"Parades with large numbers of spectators
in Princes Street, at around the time that this photo was probably taken,
were were the Orange Parade and the Parade of the 51st Highland Division.
I believe that the 51st Highland Division
Parade in Edinburgh was not long after the end of the War. Many of
the troops had served in the Desert, I think with the 8th Army.
As for the date of the parade, I believe that
at around the same time the same troops paraded at Hampden Park when a
Tournament called the Victory Cup was being held with Hibs and other teams
Bob Sharp, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada |