James Jameson

Professional Photographer



James Jameson lived at 50 George Street from 1867 or earlier.  His studio addresses, listed in the Edinburgh trade directories were:


50 North Pitt Street


84 Pitt Street


50 George Street


However, the dates above may not be entirely reliable for dating photos.

Carol Ritchie wrote:


"I have a photograph of my Grt Grt Grandmother, taken by James Jameson of 50 North Pitt Street, Edinburgh.

I want to know if photographers would have used old stock, as this photograph must have been taken after Mary married Robert in 1888 as she is wearing a wedding ring, but on your website it says that he was in 50 North Pitt Street between the years of 1866 and 1884, a difference of 4 years."

Carol Ritchie, Inverness-shire:  March 11, 2009


"It sounds as if  James Jamieson probably did continue to use cards with his old studio address on for some time after this address changed.

This occasionally happened, though often the address on the cards would be amended in pencil or ink.

I believe that there was a re-numbering of some of the streets around where his studio was based in the 1880s.  I've not checked, but it is possible that his studio remained at the same location throughout the 1880s, but was re-numbered half way through the decade.

Peter Stubbs:  March 12, 2009



James Jameson

1881 Census
EPS Discussions
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