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William Reid

Professional Photographer

William Reid appeared in the Edinburgh trade directories as a professional photographer in 1910:

Reid,  William

38 York Place




William Reid

Photographs in Collections

Edinburgh Public Library Collection includes several photographs by William Reid:

-   9 views of Colinton Church (c.1920)

-  31 views  including (c.1930):

- "Arthur’s Seat"

- "Edinburgh Castle"

- "The Braid Burn".


William Reid


Question 1

Was this the same man as William Reid who gave these lectures during EPS Exhibitions?

-  1907:   "The Pentlands and the Moorfoots, their Historical Associations and Scenic Beauties"

-  1908:  "The Environs of Edinburgh"

Question 2

Was this the same man as William Reid appeared in the 1881 census below?


William Reid

1881 Census

William Reid (possibly the same photographer as above?) was listed in the 1881 census as:

General Artist & Photographic (?):  aged 38

Born:  Edinburgh

Resident:  5, Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh

Wife:  Jane C R


1.  Ivan (daughter)

aged 13

(born:  Edinburgh)

2.  Joseph

aged 9

(born:  Edinburgh)

3.  Nellie

aged 7

(born:  Edinburgh)

4.  William

aged 5

(born:  Edinburgh)

5.  Jane S

aged 4 months

(born:  Edinburgh)

[DR Torrance]

