"I have owned a portrait for many years,
signed by Frances Truefitt. It is a portrait of a woman in her
fifties, I would say, dressed in Widow's Weeds and wearing Victorian
jewellery. It is an oil painting.

© Garry
Stuckey, New Zealand
It is signed and also has the artist's name
and address on the back in faded writing. It also has picture framer's sticker on the
back. This reads, 'Robert R. Nelson' and gives the address, 19 South
Hanover street.
I was thrilled to come up with your info on
the Truefitts on the internet. I did wonder if my portrait could be
a self portrait, as the lady I have is a widow.
I wonder if there are any photos around of
Frances Truefitt that you know of?
With the artist's name and address on the back
of the portrait, it simply says 'Portrait of a Lady'. Perhaps
Frances Truefitt had a sitters book."