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Underwood & Underwood

Here are enlargements from two similar stereo views of Princes Street, looking to the west from Waverley, towards the Scott Monument.

Please click here to see more of the stereo card below:
Stereo Card     Back of the Stereo Card

Princes Street  1

View looking to the east from the Scott Monument
along Princes Street towards Calton Hill

Enlargement of a view by Underwood & Underwood  -  looking from the Scott Monument to the east along Princes Street towards Calton Hill

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk

Princes Street  2

View looking to the east from the Foot of the Mound
along Princes Street towards the Scott Monument

Underwood & Underwood  -  Stereo View looking from the Mound, to the east along Princes Street towards the Scott Monument

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk


Stereo Views

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