Before photography, there was painting, sketching,
etching and
engraving. Engravings were used in newspapers such as the
'Illustrated London News' and in books; first wood engravings,
then metal engravings.
Here is an engraving from the book, 'Modern
Athens', published in 1829 - ten years before the discovery of
photography was announced.
This book included black and white engravings, but
many copies of the book have been bought then 'broken up' so that the individual engravings
could be removed, hand tinted (as in the examples below) then sold
individually, framed in cardboard mounts, perhaps for about £0 each.
Edinburgh Old
Town and North Bridge - from Princes Street

permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ian Smith
Here is a rather romantic view of Edinburgh from
the same book.
Interest has been added by including two soldiers and
two Newhaven fishwives in the foreground.
Edinburgh Castle -
view from below Ramsay Garden, the Mound

permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
Even fifty years after the discovery of photography
was announced, engravings were being used in books such as 'Old and
New Edinburgh', published in 1890.

Reproduced by courtesy of Jenny Parkerson

For permission to reproduce, please contact

permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk
Until fairly recently, it was generally accepted that photography
began around 1839. However, there were experiments by a few
individuals in earlier years.
However, experiments by both Wedgewood and
Niépce are now thought to have played an important
part in the history of photography.
The main problem initially for photography was not in
being able to create the image, but in being able to find a way to 'fix'
it so that it would not fade when exposed to light.
Thomas Wedgwood (1778-1829) was born into a
family of pottery manufacturers from Staffordshire, England.
In the early 1790s, he attempted to print photographs
on materials including ceramic, glass, paper and white leather,
believing that if he could produce photos, these could be useful in his
education of young people.
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce (1765-1833) was son of
a wealthy lawyer. He served in the French army under Napoleon, then
became Administrator of the district of Nice.
From 1795, he devoted his life to scientific research. With his brother, Claude, he invented and patented
then developed what was probably the world's first internal combustion
He experimented with photography in the mid-1820s. The earliest of his photos to survive is view of
rooftops from his window. It was an 8-hour exposure taken in 1826.
This was on pewter, coated with bitumen disolved in lavender oil.
and Daguerre
William Henry Fox Talbot:
was born in 1800 in Dorset.
was a member of Astronomical Society and Royal
Society in London.
became a Member of Parliament.
studied classics and mathematics at Cambridge.
was a biblical scholar, botanist and helped to
decipher cuneiform script.
knew Herschel and Brewster.
developed an interest in photography while
sketching with camera lucida.
started experimenting with photography in 1834.
'Hair down, Collar up'
'Hair up, Collar down'
Both photographs above
were taken by Ivan Szabo. They are reproduced
from the National Museum of Photography,
Film and
Television collection,
by courtesy of the Science and Society Picture
Click here for
link to web site.
Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre:
was born in 1787 in France
was a painter who designed diorama scenes for
the theatre
Nicéphore Niépce, and experimented with photography
continued experimenting with photography after
Niépce's death in 1833.

by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society
Photography Announced
Events of 1839**
Daguerre announced his discovery in early 1839.
Talbot responded almost immediately, announcing his
In fact, the two methods were entirely different
Daguerre had discovered a way of creating a single
image on metal.
Talbot had discovered a way of creating multiple
images on paper.
** 1839 has generally regarded
as the beginning of photography, though recent research suggests that
Niépce probably deserves to have been given more credit for its
See Nicephore Niépce House
Museum web site.
The Latticed Window (Talbot)
A print from the oldest photographic negative in

Reproduced from the National Museum of Photography,
Film and
Television collection,
by courtesy of the Science and Society Picture
Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh
An oil painting

by courtesy of
The Board of Trustees of the National Museums & Galleries
Merseyside (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool)
Talbot visited Edinburgh in the early 1840s to take
photographs for his book 'Sun Pictures of
Scotland', published in 1845.
Talbot lived in Edinburgh for 10 years from 1855, but
by that time he had moved on from his initial interest for photography
and was taking more interest in engraving processes
Talbot was one of six prominent photographers elected as Honorary
Members of Edinburgh Photographic Society in 1862. Did he attend
any of the society's meetings?
Reaction in Edinburgh
See also 'Further Notes'
Edinburgh was well placed to react to the discovery of
photography, having several active learned societies.
There was a keen interest in photography at the
Scottish Society of Arts. Members experimented and presented their
results to the society.
There was a visit to Daguerre's studio in Paris by
members of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,
who reported their findings back to their society.
Edinburgh Exhibitions
1st Exhibition
Mr Howie, artist, 64
Princes Street,
begs leave
respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry and Public,
that he has
succeeded in producing some beautiful specimens in the above
the first public
exhibition of its kind in Scotland
2nd Exhibition
In December, an
Exhibition of Arts, Manufacturers and Practical Science
was held at Assembly Halls, George Street, from 24 Dec 1839
until 7 Jan 1840.
Talbot's work was included in this exhibition.
Daguerre also exhibited in Edinburgh; I assume this would have
been at the same exhibition.
This Exhibition attracted over 50,000 visitors.
Early Photographers
in St Andrews
See also 'Further Notes'
dressed in Newhaven Fishwives' costume.
![Thomas Rodger [sen.] - dressed in Newhaven Fishwives' costume.](../0_P/0_photographers_rodger_senior_in_fishwives_costume.jpg)
Reproduced by courtesy of St Andrews University
A LB49-11
Thomas Rodger
Sen. "Playing
the Bellows"
seated beside Hungarian
violinist, Edouard Remeny.
![Thomas Rodger [sen.] - Playing the bellows" seated beside the Hungarian violinist, Edouard Remeny.](../0_P/0_photographers_rodger_playing_the_bellows.jpg)
Reproduced by courtesy of St Andrews University