Photographic Society
of Scotland
From 1856
The Great Exhibition was held in the Crystal Palace at
Hyde Park, London, in 1851. It included a Photography Section with
examples of the recently invented collodion process. This opened
up photography to a wider public.
Over the next few years, photographic societies opened
in various cities around Britain, including:
- Leeds 1852
- London *
- Liverpool
- Manchester 1855
- Edinburgh **
This society became the Royal
Photographic Society
** This society was named
The Photographic Society of Scotland.
Sir David Brewster
Calotype by Hill & Adamson

Reproduced by courtesy of
Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services
Brewster was born in Jedburgh in 1787
Edinburgh University from the age of 12
Awarded an Arts Degree by Edinburgh University
in 1800
editor of the Edinburgh Magazine, later
Scots Magazine, aged 20.
Editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica
for 22 years
President of
Photographic Society of Scotland
from 1856
President of Royal Society of
Edinburgh, 1864
of Edinburgh University,
from age 78 until his death, 9 years later.
Horatio Ross
Self portrait, preparing a collodion

Horatio Ross was born in
Named after his godfather,
Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson.
He was a wealthy
1832-34: MP for Arbroath.
Won the first steeplechase on record.
Represented Scotland at shooting.
He once walked from the Dee to Inverness,
97 miles without stopping
Horatio Ross and his wife were both photographers.
Here is one of a set of photos taken by Horatio's wife in the Scottish
The Scottish
Photograph by Mrs Horatio

Reproduced with permission of
Christies Images Limited, London
PSS Exhibitions
Press Reports
Press reports show how the public and the press still regarded
photography with some astonishment, even seventeen years after its discovery.
Here are some extracts from press:
"Another Exhibition has opened to delight our pleasure-loving Auld Reekieites
who are noted as dillettántí and Fine-Art rhapsodists.
Photography already
appears scarcely less marvellous than the electric telegraph."
[Caledonian Mercury 22 December 1856]
“ Old
Sol had scarcely spoken thus, when forth I went straightway
To his Great Exhibition-Room, my shilling there to pay;
And scarcely had I passed the door, and laid my money down
When I exclaimed 'A shilling’s worth! Why this is worth a crown.'
He really is a painter!
His own account is true.
I only wish we saw him here far oft’ner than we do.”
[The Courant 22 January 1857]
Composition Pictures
Copies on sale at 15s 0d each
in 3rd PSS Annual Exhibition

The Royal Photographic Society, Bath,
England. web site http://www.rps.org.
Letter from H P Robinson.

by courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society
Ways of Life
O G Rejlander

© The Royal Photographic Society, Bath,
England. web site http://www.rps.org.
'Two Ways of Life'
Composition pictures (where several different negatives were
used to make a print) were somewhat controversial in the 1850s, some
photographers believing them to be 'cheating'.
But this photo, produced from 32 negatives by OG Rejlander and
submitted to the Photographic Society of Scotland's 1857 Exhibition, was more
controversial than most.
O G Rejlander considered his photography to be
Fine Art, and his photo had been highly praised when exhibited in Manchester.
However, the PSS Hanging Committee declined it because of its
semi-nude female figures.
Press Comment
“O G Rejlander's
‘Two Ways of Life’ was exhibited in the Art Treasures Exhibition in Manchester.
The Prince Consort has three copies of it.
Sir David Brewster, the President has one copy.
It will scarcely be credited that the amateur ‘hanging committee’ of PSS
rejected it because there were half-draped female figures in it.
Call at Mr
Wood’s, 88 Princes Street, where
the rejected photograph may be seen.”
The Outcome
Professional photographers tried for more
representation on the 'Hanging Committee', but were not successful, so they began
to hold their own informal meetings.
In 1861, together with a number of amateur
photographers, they formed Edinburgh Photographic Society. The
earlier society, The Photographic Society of Scotland, then began to go into decline
Photographic Society
See also 'Further Notes'
1861 to date
Both amateur and professional photographers soon
joined EPS.
The EPS Secretary read a paper in 1867, in which he
“In a good working
society, there should be a thorough admixture
of different classes of
the community among the Members, such as:
- professionals
- working amateurs of
all ranks
- others calling
themselves amateurs who may have only
a general hankering after
photographic pursuits.”
“Ornamental Members,
are useful from their position and influence in giving a certain status to a
society, not to be despised, and in assisting to augment the funds.”
Photos by a few EPS Members
Alexander Ayton - Group
Australian and Scottish Cricket

Copyright: For permission to
reproduce, please contact
Alex Ayton's Wife, Catherine and 8 of her

© The
Ayton family. Reproduced with acknowledgement to
Elizabeth Trubuhovich
(great-granddaughter of
Alexander Ayton).
Also husband Ron, sister
Alison and niece Christine.

Reproduced by
courtesy of Edinburgh Photographic Society
John Moffat
The Edinburgh professional photographer, John Moffat,
who had a studio in Princes Street from 1853 was elected EPS President
in 1892.

Reproduced by courtesy of
John Moffat, formerly of Eastbourne.
Here are some of his photos:
Talbot by
Taken at Moffat's Princes Street Studio,
Edinburgh, 1864
following a meeting at Photographic Society of Scotland

Reproduced from the National Museum of Photography,
Film and
Television collection,
by courtesy of the Science and Society Picture Library.
Mr & Mrs Gladstone on Mr Binko's Electric Railway - 1884

Reproduced by courtesy of
Trevor ER Yerbury, Edinburgh
Robert Louis Stevenson
Aged 3

Reproduced by courtesy of
Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services

Reproduced by courtesy of
Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services
Aged 15

Reproduced by courtesy of
Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services
Aged 20

Reproduced by courtesy of
Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services
Archibald MacLucas
a young man

Reproduced by courtesy of
the MacLucas family
In later years

Reproduced by courtesy of
the MacLucas family
Newspaper Seller

Reproduced by courtesy of
the MacLucas family
Newspaper Seller

Reproduced by courtesy of
the MacLucas family
Photographic Outings
EPS arranged photographic outings, travelling by
train, cycle, boat, barge and other transport.
The press reported
in the 1880s:
EPS organises frequent
camera excursions and a grand annual picnic.
- On this
occasion the whole of the photographic establishments are closed and
amateur and professional employer and employé meet together and have a
right good time.
Games included sack and
barrow races, three-leg race, battledore, quoits and a walking backwards
The photographic
journals reported that in 1883:
- A Party of 109
travelled on a decorated barge with a couple of violins, ’cello and
piano, dances and song.
- On the outward journey,
there was a solo singing competition with seven lady competitors, the
prize being a 10” x 8” portrait in carbon of the winner (presented by Mr
- The bachelors won the
Tug of War between married and single.
- There was music and
dancing for 3 to 4 hours on the barge for the return journey.”
Cadzow Forest - 1877.

© This
photograph is included with National Galleries of Scotland
permission. See
Copyright Conditions
Blackford Glen - 1890

© This
photograph is included with National Galleries of Scotland
permission. See
Copyright Conditions
Edinburgh Zoo - Around.1964

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Edinburgh Photographic Society
Here are the selectors for the 1936 exhibition at
work. They included the artist Tom Curr on the right.
1936 Open Exhibition
Judges: Alexander Highly, J Campbell Harper, Tom
Reproduced with acknowledgement to Sandy
Brewer, Galloway, Scotland - Sandy is currently researching the work
of Tom Curr
Tom Curr was a strong supporter of the Boys' Brigade
and Girls' Live Brigade movements. Here are a couple of his religious paintings:
'Follow Me'

© The Curr Family. This image is from a 1930s reproduction, exact
date to be determined.
Reproduced with acknowledgement to Dr
Sandy Brewer, Galloway, SW Scotland
'Jesus in Edinburgh'

© The Curr Family. Reproduced with acknowledgement
to Dr Sandy Brewer, Galloway, SW Scotland