When and
ANSWER: Tollcross

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Question |
Cable Car
The destination on this cable car is 'Mound and Tollcross'.
If you know when and/or where this photo might have been taken,
please email me.
Thank you. - Peter
Stubbs: June 2, 2008 |
Bryan Gourlay
Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland |
Thank you to Bryan Gourlay for his quick
reply. Bryan wrote: |
no idea when the photo was taken – but it looks remarkably like
longer view of Tollcross from a photo from the Capital
Collections site."
Bryan Gourlay, Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland:
June 3, 2008 |
I agree with Bryan's comments above. I cannot reproduce the
photograph that Bryan refers to here, but the link above should
take you to the page on Edinburgh City Libraries' 'Capital
Collections' web site that includes this photo and a
description of the location - looking east from Tollcross towards
High Riggs and Lauriston Place.
High Riggs is the street with the washing
hanging out, on the left of the cable car, in the photo. It
used to lead from Tollcross to West Port, but now only the eastern
end of the street at West Port still exists.
Brian subsequently sent me two 'companion pictures' of
Tollcross also displayed on Edinburgh City Libraries'
'Capital Collections' web site.'
Peter Stubbs: June 5, 2008. |
John Hadden
Edinburgh |
Thank you to John Hadden who reached the
same conclusion as Bryan Gourlay, above. I had not yet added
Bryan's comments to the web site when John's email arrived.
John wrote: |
"There are not
a lot of clues on this one.
I am going to suggest that this could
have been taken at Tollcross, looking from a short distance along
Home Street, and up Lauriston Place.
The street shown at the left could be
High Riggs and the curve fronted building behind the tram could be
on the junction of Lauriston Place and High Riggs.
The low wall and railing in the
foreground could be a urinal that was shown in the 1894 street map
as located in the middle of Tollcross.
I think that this would place the tram
approximately halfway between the High Riggs junction and
As the tramway on the Mound was
proposed in 1896, I think it seems reasonable to suggest some date
after that. However the style of dress of the pedestrians
doesn't look much later.
How does that sound?"
John Hadden:
June 3, 2008 |
Thanks John:
Everything you say about the location
makes sense
As for the date, I believe the photo may
have been taken in the very early 1900s. DLG Hunter's book,
'Edinburgh Transport: The Early Years' says that the tram
lines up the Mound were used by horse-drawn trams initially, and
that the cable under the Mound was not installed until 25 August
The number painted on the cable car
appears a little indistinct in this photo: it may be '63'.
If so, this cable car would have been one of a large batch built
Peter Stubbs: June 5, 2008. |
John subsequently wrote: |
"A quick follow-up to yesterday's
email. I feel more confident about the location after
this image *
on the Edinburgh Council web site."
* In fact,
this is the the image that John mentions is the same one as Bryan
Gourlay refers to above.
John added:
"There is also another image on the
'Capital Collections' web site, looking in the opposite
direction that shows the other item of street furniture that can
be seen on your cable car photo."
John Hadden: June 4, 2008 |
Donald Grant
Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland |
Thank you to Donald Grant who also
identified the location as Tollcross. I had not yet added
Bryan's comments or John's comments to the web site when Donald's
email arrived.
Donald wrote: |
"I've had a trawl through all my books
and believe I have identified the location for the cable car
photo. It appears to have been taken at Tollcross and the
car is at the bottom of Lauriston Place.
There is a photo on the centre pages
of a book I have called 'A Nostalgic Look At Edinburgh Trams Since
1950' by Graham H. E. Twaddle."
For copyright reasons, I'm not able to reproduce the photograph
that Donald mentions. However, Donald gave a good
description of the photograph which was taken in 1956.
Donald wrote:
"The building on the left of the
picture in the book appears to be the same building as in the
cable car photo. As for the date, it would have to be after 10th
September 1901 when Mound to Marchmont services commenced.
As far as I can determine there were no cable car services to the
Mound prior to that date." |
Donald also referred to a large Ekco advert that was displayed
high on the wall of the building with the curved frontage.
He added:
"A piece of trivia, incidentally. The
name Ekco, a once famous brand of radio, television and electrical
goods, came from the company founder, Mr. E. K. Cole, or so I was
told by an old journeyman of mine." |
Donald Grant, Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland:
June 4, 2008 |
Neil Lawrence
Fountainbridge, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Neil Lawrence, for also
identifying the same location, without having had the benefit of
reading answers 1, 2 and 3 above.
Lawrence provided a large scale map of
the area around Lauriston Place, Tollcross, and wrote: |
"I was looking with interest at your
photo above. I think the location for this photograph was
The curved building at the back looks
very like the old Elizabeth pub that was at 172 Lauriston Place,
right on the corner of High Riggs. When it was demolished
the site became the infamous Goldberg's triangle car park."
Neil Lawrence, Fountainbridge, Edinburgh:
June 4, 2008 |
Terry Cox
Fairmilehead, Edinburgh |
Thank you to Terry Cox for also
identifying the location as Tollcross, without having had the benefit of
reading answers 1, 2 3 and 4 above.
Terry wrote: |
"I can’t say when the photo was taken,
but it looks like the car is coming down Lauriston Place, to do a
left hand turn into Brougham Street.
That looks like the pub called the
Tollcross Bar at the back of the car, with High Riggs going off to
the left. The man in the foreground is sitting on the wall round
the Gents toilets, which were underground.
The pub was demolished in the mid to
late fifties. The usual is view is from further back, with
various adverts on the gable end above the pub front. My interest
is that just off to the right out of shot is the tenement where I
was brought up – it was demolished in the early seventies."
Terry Cox, Fairmilehead, Edinburgh: June 4,
2008 |
Terry's comments above
about the 'usual view' are born out by the photos that Bryan
Gourlay and Donald Grant refer to above, particularly the photo
that Donald mentions with the Ekco advertisement on the gable end.
Peter Stubbs: June 6, 2007 |
Terry Cox
Fountainbridge, Edinburgh |
Terry Cox added: |
Tram Lines
" I checked with a photograph that I
have at home, alleged to be from 1914, showing the adverts, and it
confirmed the location. The photo is alleged to be from
1914, though I have no way of confirming that.
The tram lines are the same on both
photos, going into Brougham Street."
Terry Cox: June 6, 2008 |
and Restaurant
"One other comment. Neil Lawrence
mentioned the Elizabeth pub. I wouldn’t like to contradict
that, but I always knew it as the Tollcross Bar.
Perhaps he is confusing the pub's name
with it with the Elizabeth (or Elizabethan, my memory is a bit
hazy on it) Restaurant which was on the other side of the road,
almost at the junction with Brougham Street." |
Terry Cox, Fountainbridge, Edinburgh: June 6, 2008 |
Donald Grant
Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland |
Thank you to Donald Grant who has has
sent the following message after reading Answers 4 and 5 above.
Donald wrote: |
Tram Lines
"I've just seen Terry Cox's comments
on the photo (5 above).
Note that it is on the left of the two
sets of tracks. That should mean that it has just turned right out
of Brougham Street and is about to proceed up Lauriston Place
towards its destination at the Mound."
Donald added:
"It's interesting to see that in the
right foreground another set of tracks can be seen but without the
central cable conduit.
I'm tempted to say that they are the
remnants of an abandoned horse tram route as they seem to come to
an abrupt halt but I could not give an authoritative answer on
Pub and Restaurant
"Neil Lawrence names the pub as 'The
Elizabeth'. Whilst I can't dispute that . I just don't
But it's interesting to note that
there is an 'Elizabeth Restaurant' just in shot in the photo that
I referred to in 'Answer 4' above. |
Donald Grant, Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland:
June 6, 2008 |
Chichester, West Sussex, England |
I mentioned that the destination board on
this tram read 'Mound and Tollcross'.
Thank you to Brian who wrote:
Destination Board
"My father was a great tram
enthusiast. He lived in Dundee when the last trams were
I still have this sign that he
collected from one of them."
Bruce, Chichester West
Sussex, England: February 22, 2009 |
Alex Palmer
Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Thank you to Alex Palmer who wrote:
High Riggs
"The street at the back of the
tram looks like High Riggs, and that the photo was possibly taken
from Tollcross, where there were tram stops, a men's lavatory and
a police box."
Alex Palmer, Minneapolis, Minnesota: April 16, 2011 |