Altar Boys

St Patrick's Church

Cowgate, Edinburgh


Altar Boys at St Patrick's Church, around 1957

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Tony Ivanov, Bo'ness, West Lothian, Scotland and Michael Henesy C Ss R, St Patrick's Church


St Patrick's Church

Altar Boys

Thank you to Tony Ivanov, Bo'ness, West Lothian Scotland, for sending me this photograph.

Tony wrote:

"I came across this photo while searching through my archives It may be of interest to Peter Jenkins and anyone else for that matter who finds himself in it. Apart from the priests the others are all the alter boys of various ages who served there at the time.

-   BACK ROW, CENTRE: Canon Turner

-   BACK ROW, EXTREME RIGHT:  Father Gallagher

-   CENTRE ROW, LEFT: Father McQueen (or McQuewen?) *

-   CENTRE ROW, RIGHT: Father McQue * "

Tony Ivanov, Bo'ness, West Lothian, Scotland:  August 11, 2009

Tony added:

"Will someone please contact me if I've got these names wrong?"

Tony wrote again to tell me more names

-  BACK ROW, No 2:  Frank ? Pirrie

-  FRONT ROW,  No 3: Me

Tony Ivanov, Bo'ness, West Lothian, Scotland:  August 11, 2009






Thank you to Eric Gold who wrote:

I agree with the names of Canon Turner and Father Gallagher on the back row of this photo.

I believe that the other two priests in the photo are:


Father McNeil or McNeill.  He used to visit our house in East Arthur Place.


We pronounced the priest's name, Father McHugh or McKew.   The spelling may have been Father McHugh.

Eric Gold, East London, England:  August 18, 2009




Thank you to Tony Ivanov who replied:

"My thanks to Eric.  The name, Father McNeil, has jogged my memory.

I'm wondering how I got the name McQueen, perhaps Eric might know if there was another priest with this name around this time"

Tony Ivanov, Bo'ness, West Lothian, Scotland:  August 19, 2009




Thank you to Monica Pudel (née Mahon) who replied:

"To the right of Canon Turner is John Joe Walsh
then Fr Gallacher, then Fr McNeil."

Also in the picture are James Patterson and Ralph Perilli.

I was at St Anne's and St Pat's between 1947 and 1949."

Monica added

"James Patterson is next to Fr McMeal.
At the other side, Ralf Perille is next to Fr McHugh."

Monica Pudel (née Mahon), Ahrensburg, Hamburg, Germany:  January 15, 2009

St Patrick's Church

Having read all the comments above, I'm still a uncertain about who's who n this photo.  This is the best interpretation that I can make of it., so far.

Altar Boys at St Patrick's Church, around 1957 ©

Left to right:


1st  Row
(back row)

2nd Row

(middle row)

Near the front



Fr John McMeel

Altar Server



Frank Perilli

James Patterson

Altar Server




Altar Server


Altar Server
Tony Ivanov


Canon Turner

Altar Server
Ronald Rowley

Altar Server



John Joe Walsh

Ralph Perilli

Altar Server



Fr William Gallagher

Fr John McHugh

Altar Server





Altar Server


Thank you to the following for providing the names in the table above:

-  Tony Ivanov,  Bo'ness West Lothian, Scotland

-  Eric Gold,  East London, England

-  Monica Pudel (née Mahon), Ahrensburg, Hamburg, Germany

-  Jim di Mambro, South Africa

-  Michael Henesy C Ss R, St Patrick's Church, Edinburgh

The '?'s

Thank you, also,  to Michael Henesy C Ss R, St Patrick's Church, for providing names of the ten people marked '?' in the table above.

These names are provided in the caption that accompanies this photo in Michael Henesy's book, 'St Patrick's Edinburgh - 150 Years'.  These are the missing names,  but I don't know which positions they are in, in the photo.

-  Norman Green

-  James Hand

-  William Hawkins

-  Martin Levelle

-  Christopher Lister

-  David MacIlwaine

-  Patrick Murphy

-  John Sandilands

-  Andrew Sibbald

-  Peter Thompson




Thank you to Jim di Mambro for providing another name, Ronald Rowley. I've now added it to the table above.

Altar Boys at St Patrick's Church, around 1957 ©

Jim wrote:

Ronald Rowley

"Ronald's old man had a pub 'The World's End'  on the corner of St Mary's Street and the High Street.  There were three brothers, all now living here in South Africa  -  John, Gerald and Ronnie.

Jim added:

Anniversary Book

"This photy is in a book titled 'St Patricks, Edinburgh,150 Years'.  I'm sure the book is still available from the church.  For anybody who hasn't seen it, there's good reading in it and lot's of great photies."

Jim Di Mambro, South Africa:  January 16, 2010



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