Portobello and Trinity are the
two great resorts for Bathers. The beach at Portobello (where the
machines, with the use of towels, may be had for 3d each) is the finest
and safest bathing ground in Scotland, while the pier at Trinity (for the
use of which 1d is charged) affords admiral scope at all stages of the
tide for experienced swimmers and bathers - its least depth at low water
being 6 feet 4 inches - its ordinary depth 17feet - its greatest depth, at
spring tides, 26 feet.
A train to Trinity for
Bathers at present leaves Waverley Bridge Station every morning at 6.5
a.m., returning at 7.4 a.m.; but trains and omnibuses to both
Portobello and Trinity may be had every half hour during the day. |