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Poems and Songs


From the early days Edinburgh's photographic societies have shown an interest in music, poetry and other social activities extending beyond photography.  The societies' activities have included:

  • Popular Evenings consisting of lantern slides interspersed with  musical entertainment.

  • Musical entertainment provided during the Annual Photographic Exhibition.

  • Concerts staged to raise funds.

  • Musical entertainment on the barge travelling to the Annual Picnic.

One Member writing, in 1886, on the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the Society encouraged these activities.  He wrote:

“We are all familiar with the genial influence which in home life an evening exercises spent in the company of a few friends gathered round the social board, at which the cup of tea that cheers, &c, is drank together.  Might we not at appropriate intervals import this social feature here in some form, and on a wider scale see this hall made bright and cheerful with the presence of friends, and when all that is characteristic of friendship is manifested including, art, music, speech, and song, each leaving its charm to make the evening leave behind it pleasant memories.”

 Many of the poems and songs here have featured in the EPS Quarterly Bulletin. 

Recommendation:  You could start by looking at the Gilbert & Sullivan section.


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