Poems and Songs

Hope Springs Eternal

He saw some broken tomb-stones by an auld an’ ruined kirk,

An a muckle eerie yew tree noddin’ ower them i’ the mirk,

An’ he kent he had a winner frae that first excited look.

Man, ye should ha’e seen the photo that the wee lad took.

He had tae catch the ghaistly stanes agin the deein’ light,

He crawled aboot the heather till he hat the angle richt,

He bracketed exposures like they tell ye in the book,

An ye should ha’e seen the photo that the wee lad took.

There never was a roll o’ film developed wi’ sic care,

Time, agitation, temperature were checked an’ checked twice mair,

He never blinked an e’e until ’twas dryin’ on the hook.

Was it no’ a bonny  photo that the wee lad took

He had still tae pick the paper, size an' surface, weight an’ grade,

There were many anxious meenits till the final print was made,

But no yin trick in printin’ it did Ko-ko overlook,

An ye should ha’e seen the photo that the wee lad took.

Then came the International - the print was carried ben,

The three wise men considered it, an’  glanced away, an’ then,

It got C’s frae a’ three o’ them withoot a second look -

Wid ye like tae buy the photo that the wee lad took?




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