John Ross

Cartes de visite

25 George Street


Carte de visite from the studio of John Ross at 25 George Street  -  Lady with Lace Collar ©    The Back of a  Carte de visite from the studio of John Ross at 25 George Street  -  Lady with Lace Collar ©

Both images reproduced with acknowledgement to the Scottish Genealogy Society

Enlarge the Back

The Back of a  Carte de visite from the studio of John Ross at 25 George Street  -  Lady with Lace Collar

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to the Scottish Genealogy Society


The photo above is from an album that has been donated to the Scottish Genealogy Society.  The inscription on the front of the album reads 'AG Fraser, Edinburgh, 1889'.

Most of the photos in the album are from studios in Edinburgh.  A few are from studios in Musselburgh, Leven, Walthamstow and Forfar & Kirriemuir.

Here are more photos from the same album.

Do you have any idea which family this album might have belonged to?  If so, please e-mail me, then I'll pass your message on to the Scottish Genealogy Society.

Thank you.    -  Peter Stubbs:  January 14, 2007.


I was interested to see that the date of this photo had been written on the back of the card  -  Christmas Day 1885.

This is one of two different styles of back that I have seen from John Ross' studio at 25 George Street.

Here is the other:

   The back of a carte de visite by the Edinburgh professional photographer John Ross  -  small portrait of a gentleman in an oval frame ©

Please also see the John Ross Studio Addresses page to read about the backs of his cartes de visite.

Studio Addresses

The card above gives the address as:

'137 Princes Street.  Removed to 25 George Street.'

In fact, John Ross had left his Princes Street studio 22 years before this photo was taken.  I assume, from the back of the photo above, that he was proud of having once had a studio in Princes Street.

 Please also see the John Ross Studio Addresses page to read about the backs of his cartes de visite.

Studio Addresses

Please click on this link to see more cartes de visite by John Ross.


Ross Photographers

James Ross  cartes de visite

James Ross  professional photographer

James Ross  property owner

James Ross  censuses

James Ross  Royal Warrant photographer

James Ross  obituary

James Ross  at Calton Hill

James Ross  EPS Lectures

James Ross  retiral

James Ross  printing methods

James Ross  Isle of Wight question

Ross & Bishop

Ross & Pringle

Ross & Thomson

Ross & Thomson  adverts

Ross & Thomson  cartes de visite

Ross & Thomson  Daguerreotypes

John Ross

John Ross  cartes de visite

John Ross  addresses

John Ross  family

Charles Ross,  Charles E Ross,   James Ross,   John Ross Ross & Thomson studio addresses and dates


Cabinet Prints:     A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L     M    Mac/Mc    N    O    PQ   R    S    T    U    V     W    XYZ     Views


Cartes de Visite:    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L   M   Mac/Mc    N    O    PQ   R   S   T   U    V    W    XYZ     Views



