Medals featured on the back of cabinet prints by

Andrew Swan Watson


Zoom-in to the detail on the back of an A Swan Watson Cabinet Print

Zoom in to see the medals on the back of a cabinet print by A Swan Watson

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Zoom-in further

Zoom-in further to see the cup and medals on the back of a cabinet print by A Swan Watson

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact

Medals featured on the back of cabinet prints by

A Swan Watson

Picture 1 (above) shows:

-  a cup awarded to Andrew Swan Watson in 1884
-  the front and backs of several medals awarded to him in 1886-91.

Picture 2 (above) shows that the cup was awarded in 1884 by Edinburgh Photographic Club, a group established in 1881 within the Edinburgh Photographic Society (EPS) and open by invitation to 30 or 40 of the more senior members of EPS.


Marshall Wane  -  Exhibition Awards

Marshall Wane  -  Cabinet Prints

