End - EPC Memorial Shield
Photographic Club
was eventually wound up in 1948, and in memory of the Club left a
Trophy to EPS - the EPC Memorial Shield. EPS Bulletin,
at the time reported:
may be news to many members that since 1881 there has existed within the
Society a Photographic Club with a membership drawn from the ranks of
our most experienced and distinguished members.
conceived as a clearing house for new ideas and processes, a sort of
upper chamber where the more advanced chemical and physical aspects of
photography could be discussed and weighed in the balance of experience,
it has gradually through the years become less and less necessary as the
large research establishments of the manufacturers of photographic
materials took over the work done previously by private enquirers,
eventually driving far ahead of anything that the amateur could achieve,
until to-day the Club fills a more or less social function only.
has accordingly been decided at a meeting specially convened for the
purpose, to wind up the Club, a decision, we may say, taken, in view of
the Club’s long establishment, with some regret, and in order that its
name and memory shall not be forgotten, a shield to be known by the
above title will be presented by the Club to the E.P.S. to be awarded
annually to the author of the best print in the Members’ Exhibition
Memorial Shield takes the form of a conventionalised Celtic target of
solid oak, with a raised bronze boss in its centre suitably inscribed,
and surrounded by bronze studs upon which the names of the holders will
be engraved.