Edinburgh Railways in the 1950s

Colinton Station


Loco 47163 at Colinton Station  -  1958

Loco No 47163  at Colinton

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Archie Foley

Colinton Station

Here is a photographs of loco no 47163 at Colinton Station.  Please click here to see another photograph of Colinton Station

Loco No 47163 at Colinton Station on 19 June 1958 ©

Both photos were taken on 19 June 1958. 

Colinton Station is reported to have:

-   operated from 1874  Rail Centres: Edinburgh (A J Mullay)
-   closed to regular passenger services, Oct 30, 1943
.  Old Colinton (Peter Gray) p.26
-   closed to freight services on Dec 4, 1967  Old Colinton (Peter Gray) p.26

Here is an earlier view of the station:

Cointon Station  -  When was this photo taken? ©



The Photographer

This appears to be the photographer and railway worker who took many railway photographs in the 1950s.  Who is he? ©              The Railway Snapper who took Railway Photos in and around Edinburgh in the 1950s and 1960s.  Who was he? ©

The Photographer

Here are two photos of the man who is thought to have taken the photo at the top of this page and other railway photos in and around Edinburgh in the 1950s and 1960s.

 Archie Foley, Joppa, believes that he was a railway worker when he took these photos.  If you recognise him, please email me to let me know.

Thank you.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh



Where and When?      More photos



Edinburgh Railway Lines and Stations













