In 1852, he took up photography
- first
photogenic drawing
- then
wet collodion following regular weekly visits to Dr Diamond's
house at Twickenham.
1857, he opened a studio in Leamington, and in
1858, he produced his first combination print from several negatives: 'Fading Away'.
1880 HP Robinson exposed his first
gelatine plate. [TPP, Aug
1895, p.275]
From 1862 until 1891, HP Robinson was a Council Member
of The Photographic Society [of London], which subsequently became The
Royal Photographic Society. Resigning from The Photographic Society in 1891, he
formed the Linked Ring.
[RL] and [TPP, 1895, p.68]
In 1895, the journal 'The Photogram', in a brief
biography of HP Robinson, wrote:
"Mr Robinson stands, as he has done
for years, as probably the best known man in photography, and the one
whose words and example have done more than those of any other man to
create and encourage photographic workers."
[The Photogram, March 1895, p.81]
In 1900, HP Robinson was awarded Honorary Fellowship of The Royal
Photographic Society.