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Buttercup Poultry Farm Clermiston lies to the west of Corstorphine Hill About 5 miles west of the centre of Edinburgh |
Andrew Ewing returns from work
Bill Scott, Alnwick, Northumberland,
1950s |
Buttercup Poultry Farm Thank you to Bill Scott for allowing me to reproduce his sketch above. Bill describes this sketch as a recreation of a childhood memory. The sketch is of Andrew Ewing returning from work, by car, to Buttercup Poultry Farm in the 1950s. Andrew Ewing (1869-1956) was owner of the Buttercup Dairy Co chain of shops from 1904 onwards. |
Here is a photo of Andrew Ewing setting off, on foot, to work around 1940. Around 1940 |
Book |
The Buttercup Bill Scott is writing a book, The Buttercup, about Buttercup Poultry Farm and some of the people who were associated with it. If you have any information or memories that you think might be of interest to Bill, please email me, then I'll pass on your message to him. Thank you. Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: November 21, 2010 |
Book Published Bill tells me that his book has now been published and is likely to be reviewed within the next few days in 'The Scotsman' or 'Scotland on Sunday'. Copies are available from Leghorn Books. A brief account of why Bill wrote the book can be found on this page on the Amazon web site. Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: August 23, 2011 |