Other Outings and Excursions


EPS Outing

Aberdour - 1877

The British Journal of Photography reported on the Outing to Aberdour on 9 August 1877:     

[BJP:  17 August 1877;  p.394]


"The village - itself a favourite watering place with a quaint old harbour - is flanked both on the east and west with such beautiful combinations of rock, wood and water as have long made it a favourite resort by artists both of the brush and camera."

Journey by Boat

"The boat, the 'Lord Aberdour' was timed to start at 9.30, by which time the members were based on board in the exuberant spirits usual on such occasions when the appearance of the day promises to be favourable to good work;  but they were doomed shortly to be damped  in more senses than one.

Although the atmosphere was bright and clear when they started, before they got out of the harbour they were enveloped in one of the dense fogs that occasionally come on, making it impossible to see from one end of the vessel to the other, and condensing in minute globules like hoar frost on the dresses and beards of the passengers.

Happily, however, ... when within sight of Aberdour it disappeared as suddenly as it came, revealing a brilliant sun in an almost cloudless sky, and with an atmosphere so still that not a leaf was stirred.

The road from the landing pier winds round the face of the Hawk-craig, and at every turn offers some new and charming 'bits' for the camera, but the party pushed on to the harbour

Lunch  -  Meeting  -  Photographs  -  Swim  - Choir

Following lunch in Aberdour, an Ordinary Meeting was held, chaired by John Nicol (an EPS Member and regular contributor of the 'Notes from the North' series in the British Journal of Photography)

"The first halt was made at Dalgety church - a fine old ruin, built in the fourteenth century ...  It stands in a beautiful bay close to the water's edge, and although requiring very wide-angle lenses affords several fine pictures.

Here the cameras were set up, and as long exposures were required, they were left to look after themselves while some of their owners enjoyed a refreshing swim in the Firth, and others, under the leadership of Mr Sinclair, extemporised a choir and gave full vent to such music as the surroundings always inspire."

The party continued westwards through Fife, visiting Donibristle House, then Fordel Castle with its ornamental garden, before returning on the last boat to Edinburgh.

Photographs Taken

"We may add that all the plates used were the collodio-bromide emulsion, and the exposures varied from five to forty minutes.

Other Outings
















Plea for Outdoor Meetings

19th Century Destinations

Rambles and Outings: 1890s

1865:  Stenhouse Mills

1872:  Almond Dell - picnic

1876:  Winton Castle

1877:  Cadzow Forest

1877:  Almond Dell

1878:  Winton Castle - picnic

1881:  Gosford - picnic

1883:  Almond Dell - picnic

1884:  Arniston - picnic

1890:  Blackford Glen - picnic

1890s  Aberdour - picnic

1960s  Edinburgh Zoo

1990s  Union Canal

1994  Abbotsford

1997 Bamburgh Castle

NOTE:  Details of many outings from 1970 onwards have still to be added to this web site.



