Dell - 1883
The Annual Excursion in
1883 was to a picnic at Almond Dell. The cost was 7s 6d for gentlemen and
5s 6d for ladies. The outing left by barge, at 9.20am on 12 July,
from the Wharf opposite India Rubber Works, Fountainbridge.
was served at noon, and the barge arrived at Almond Dell at half-past
Tamkin and Mr McKean each took a group photograph of the party.
for the Outing to Almond Dell

Reproduced by courtesy of Edinburgh
Photographic Society
The report of the 1883
outing to Almond Dell, travelling by barge on the Union Canal, captures the spirit of
the occasion:
Party of 109 travelled on a decorated barge with a couple of violins,
’cello and piano, dances and song.
On the outward journey, there was a solo singing competition with
seven lady competitors, the prize being a 10” x 8” portrait in
carbon of the winner (presented by Mr Balmain).
bachelors won the Tug of War between married and single.
There was music and dancing for 3-4 hrs. on the barge for the
return journey”.
of the EPS picnics spread.
The Chicago Beacon of April 1886 reported:
organises frequent camera excursions and a grand annual picnic on which
occasion the whole of the photographic establishments are closed and
amateur and professional employer and employé meet together and have a
right good time.”