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John Moffat


Below are photographs of a locket owned by Sandee Farmer of Loan Oak, Texas, USA. 


Locket containing photographs by John Moffat

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Sandee Farmer


Portrait of a Lady by Moffat  -  found in a locket  Portrait of a Gentleman by Moffat  -  found in a locket

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Sandee Farmer

On the back of the photos in the locket

The photographs in the locket above appear to be a  hand-tinted cartes-de-visite, cut to size.  Here is the back of one of the photos above:

Portrait by Moffat (back)  -  found in a locket

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Sandee Farmer

In the mid 1870s, the backs of Moffat's cartes-de-visite included the following note:



Sandee has asked a number of questions about the locket above.  Can anybody provide further information?

1. Does the locket appear to be Scottish or American?
[No comment!]

2. When are the photographs likely to have been taken?
If Moffat produced and used new cards whenever his studio addresses changed, a date of around 1873 to 1875 seems likely (assuming these are original photographs rather than later re-prints).  John Moffat was based at:

-  103 Princes Street from 1861 until 1875

-  125 Princes Street from 1873 until 1926

3. Is it possible that Moffat sent travelling photographers to the USA? 
mention of any such business on the backs of Moffat cartes de visite.




