Heriot Mount
and other recollections
© |
James Morton-Robertson
Sevenoaks, Kent, England |
Thank you to James Morton-Robertson, who used to lived at Heriot Mount until 1949, for sending me his recollections
below. Thanks also to James' brother, now living in Australia,
for encouraging him to write the notes.
July 1, 2007, with UPDATES:
October 7, 2009 James wrote: |
My Maternal Grandfather
Samuel Paterson and his wife
"Samuel Paterson was my maternal grandfather.
He was born in Girvan, then became a policeman in Glasgow, then a boilerman in
Breich near West Calder , West Lothian."
My Paternal Grandfather in the Army
James Morton-Robertson and his wife
"My paternal grandfather, James Morton-Robertson and was born in Newington in 1882. He ran away from home at 14
and joined the Royal Scots Fusiliers. He was sent to S Africa in
1901 and was at the relief of Ladysmith. He served in Zululand, quelling
He was sent, again, to South Africa
during WW1. He campaigned in German South West Africa (Namibia).
WW2, he was an ARP Warden." |
My Grandparents at Heriot Mount
"James Morton-Robertson married Jane Trotter who was born in 121
St Leonards Street in 1882. They moved to 4 Heriot Mount, ground floor,
after their marriage in 1905.
They had 2 children, James Morton-Robertson,
my father; and Jane (Jean) Ritchie Robertson." |
My Parents
"My father, James Morton-Robertson, was born
at 16 South Richmond Street in 1911 and went to James Clark School.
In 1936, he married Maybelle Paterson who was
born near West Calder in 1916. They moved to 4 Heriot Mount, top
They had 2 children, James Morton-Robertson
(me) and Brian Samuel Frank Robertson.
Both my father and mother worked at the North
British Rubber Mills in Fountainbridge.
My father had volunteered for the RAF but was
killed on his first mission which was an operation using Hampden Torpedo
Bombers to sink the Tirpitz. They had to fly to Murmansk but his
plane was shot down. The plane is now being rebuilt by the RAF
James added:
"Here are photographs of :
- my dad's and his car, taken about 1933
- his AJS motorbike, taken about 1936.
These were both garaged in a big wooden shed
in Forbes St between St Leonards St and St Leonards Hill" |
My Aunt
"My Aunt Jean, worked for
LNER railways during WW2, actually on the Forth Railway Bridge, which was
always denied officially ... somebody hated women!" |
My Education
"I started my education at Preston Street
school but the Ministry of War Pensions paid for my brother and me to
attend the Royal High School which I did from 1943-1952.
I became an indentured apprentice at RNAY,
Donibristle (Dalgety Bay). I went to Sunderland Tech to take an
external Durham University degree but married a local girl from Newcastle,
Jennifer Young, and after many moves, ended up in Sevenoaks, Kent.
Our family moved from Heriot Mount in 1949 to
Piersfield Grove, to a bigger flat with a bathroom! We were opposite a
small market garden and a knitwear factory." |
James' family may have left Heriot Mount almost 40 years ago, but he
still has lots of memories of the area.
See his comments below. - Peter Stubbs. |
"I remember:
- The Italian family who owned the sweet
shop on the corner of Heriot Mount and Dumbiedykes
- The Italian Mocogni brothers who
worked in the fish and chip shop in Carnegie Street and their cousin
Victor Rafaelli
- The barber shop on the corner of
Heriot Mount and Cross Causeway?
- Granny Slater's sweet shop round the
corner from Heriot Mount in the road that ran in the direction of James
Clark School.
The owner was an old lady with grey hair and a sharp manner.
- A cycle/battery charging shop next to
Granny Slaters where I used to take my Granny's glass lead/acid battery
for charging. Granny Robertson only had gas, no electricity.
- Another newsagent/sweet shop further
towards the school on the same side.
- The baker's shop on the south side of
Carnegie Street, opposite the barber shop. I remember bread
rationing just after the war and the near riot over the introduction.
- A Pork Butcher called Grubers (I
- Rankins the Greengrocer in Nicholson
Street. I went to school with the owner's grandson." |
"Our milk was delivered by the Edinburgh &
Dumfriesshire Dairy using a horse and cart, or else I bough it at
the SCWS at the Pleasance.
Our coal was delivered by Hugh Leckie & Sons.
Hugh was a very small man and he would hoist a 1cwt bag of coal on his
shoulders and climb 5 flights of stairs to our top flat and tip it into
the coal bunker which was under a hinged board which also acted as a
working surface next to the deep Belfast sink." |
"My mother also used Zebo to black lead her
grate. This product is still in use today.
My grandmother's chimney went on fire once and
she put salt on the coals. Her fire never went out once apart from
this one occasion. She had a black, soot-encrusted cast iron kettle on a
trivet all the time. She also had a mahogany chest of drawers full of
mementos brought back by my grandfather from South Africa.
I remember the day the chimney sweep got it
wrong at Heriot Mount. One sweep went on the roof and his colleague
went into
the flat. The top man would shout "EEEE" down the chimney and the
colleague would call back if they had selected the right chimney. He
would have heavy sacks to pack round the fireplace and to carry away the
soot. The top man dropped a heavy wooden ball with a circular brush above
it on a long rope. The day they got it wrong, another flat was filled
with choking, greasy soot. Not good." |
"I remember a pub where my grandfather
went. It was on the opposite side of the road from the Granny
Slater's. I used to fetch him and remember still the wall of smoke and
smell of beer that flowed out when the door was opened and it was always
I could detect the smell of each of the 23
breweries around the Old Town from Heriot Mount." |
"I remember Charteris Memorial Church with Dr
Low, the minister, and Mr Elder, one of the church elders.
I also went to the Sunday School. We
used to get up early on Sunday mornings to buy hot rolls from the Jewish
Baker in Nicholson Street?." |
Hospital and Doctor
"I remember:
- The Deaconess Hospital on the
Pleasance/Carnegie Street corner. I went there several times to repair
cuts, broken arms etc.
- Further on, down the Pleasance, going in the
direction of Holyrood was the Doctor's Surgery manned by Dr Norman
McQueen. It was very scruffy, bare linoleum and in need of a repaint.
I don't remember Dr Gordon being there.
Dr McQueen misdiagnosed my collapsed lung and
I had to go to his house in Newington which had a consulting room. My
impression was of a very beautiful house." |
"The King's Park was my playground.
We would make home-made explosives and blow
holes in the hillside! I could also run from the Park Steps right up
the scree slope and run up the cat's neck. Wow.
We also used to watch the Territorials firing
rifles and Bren guns in the dip between Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags.
I've just seen the photo of the archway which
linked Heriot Mount with the shared backgreen with the Dumbiedykes.
I must have run through that arch hundreds of times.
The other side of the Park Steps was a rock
face leading up to high iron railings with a gully between the end
tenement (turreted and very attractive) and the railing wall where we
would puff our first cigarettes, Woodbines at 1d each from one of the
I used to roller skate on Rankeillor street as
it has a smooth tarred surface." |
"My Heriot Mount friends were:
- David Arbuthnot
- Andrew Morrison
- George Christie.
The local girls' names are a bit hazy now but
there was:
- one was Marion Purves now in Victoria,
- one of the Fairbairn girls
- one named Melrose.
I see that on of you contributors was a wee
bit miffed at my earlier description of the
Dumbiedykes boys being aggressive. You did not walk down the
Dumbiedykes on your own, you ran like the wind."
James added:
"Here is a photograph of :
- me
- my brother, Brian
- my cousin Ian (Aunt Jeannie's son)
- Ian's friend Victor Rafaelli (or is
it John Mocogni?)
"The Rafaellis had the corner shop at Heriot
Mount and Dumbiedykes, a sweet and ice cream shop. They made and sold the
first ice lollies, but their freezer was barely man enough for the job as
the lollies virtually fell apart after 5 minutes.
The Mocognis had the Fish & Chip shop in
Carnegie Street near to the junction with Dumbiedykes.
During the war, both families would have
spoken to the Italian Prisoners of War who walked in the Park after
working on outlying farms. They were housed at Duddingston Camp." |
Youth Clubs
"My youth was spent going to the Youth Club at
a church in Craigmillar where the Purves family had moved to from 6 Heriot
Here is a view, looking over Holyrood Park, out of the back window of
No 6, Heriot Mount. - Peter Stubbs.
Later, when I started work, I went to a church youth club past
Fountainbridge, towards Saughton I think." |
The Plaza
"My palls and I went to the Plaza dance hall
most Saturday nights. A real pain, as I usually took a girl home in the
opposite direction to Jocks Lodge and had to walk home as the trams and
buses had stopped at midnight." |
Gullane Bay
Here is a photograph of James and his younger brother, Brian, taken at
Gullane Bay:
James wrote:
"In the 1940s and '50s, our family and the
Purves family went to Gullane every Sunday, rain or shine, threading our
way through the barbed wire and dodging the mines.
I learned to swim in
Gullane Bay. We would take a tent, a flask filled with mince & mashed
potato, cooking pans, kettle, water container, swimming things. I
don't know how we carried it all.
We youngsters would look for discarded
lemonade bottles, get tuppence back on each which would buy us an
ice-cream for the bus journey home to St Andrew Square, then on to the no
5 tram to Nicholson St, then the longish walk home."
James added:
"Here is a photograph of :
- my grandparents
- their daughter Jeannie
- my father, James
- me, aged around two.
The photograph was taken on a family holiday
at Gullane Bay in East Lothian."
"My mother took us and the Purves
family, now all deceased, to Gullane every Sunday from May to September.
There were:
- Cathy Purves née Denham (6 Heriot Mount)
- her daughter Marion
- her son Jackie
- my brother Brian
It would have to be gale-force before it
stopped us. We would take the tram to Princes St, bus from St Andrews
Square to Gullane, walk along the links until we reached our favourite
place, a ledge above the beach.
There, we would light a fire and brew up. I
learned to swim there, brrrr. We had “shivery bites” when we came out of
the water. We even took mince and mash in flaks as we got bolder.
At first, the beaches were restricted with
barbed wire but we just slid under. I would jump between the tank traps,
large cubical concrete blocks which lined the edge of the shore for
miles. I believe that there were signs saying live mines but we just
ignored that as the local dogs seemed to survive.
As more visitors started to go after WW2, we
would search for empty lemonade bottles and with the 2p deposit return, so
that we kids could buy an ice cream each for the home journey."
North Berwick
"On one occasion, we went to North Berwick on
a particularly nasty day. I was kicking the waves at the shoreline, as
one does, when a giant wave crashed down on me and dragged me out to sea.
By chance, the next wave hurled me back on the beach. I went home clad in
a raincoat and Marion’s knickers."
Port Seton
"We didn't have many formal holidays, but we
had a week in Port Seton, possibly about 1947, at the beach camp site. We
stayed in what must have been an old single deck Edinburgh tramcar
complete with cut glass windows."
Other Holidays
"Another holiday, perhaps a year later was in
a real gipsy caravan (no horse attached) at Leadhills. My final holiday
before I left Heriot Mount was to a farmhouse near Banff where I managed
to fall off a haystack and do severe damage to my left arm which still has
only 95 degrees radial movement from the elbow." |
Return to Edinburgh
"I visit Edinburgh to see my old aunt Jean (97)
in her care home near Loanhead and to stay with a very old friend from my
Naval Apprenticeship days.
I find driving around the south side a bit
depressing with all the changes and I certainly couldn't live in Edinburgh
again in spite of the improvements and facilities, I guess that I'm a
country boy at heart." |
Morton-Robertson, Sevenoaks, Kent, England:
July 1, 2007
October 7, 2009 |
Cathy McKinsley
(née Calvey)
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England |
Thank you to Cathy McKinsley
who wrote:
"Looking at the three steps at the top of
Heriot Mount brought back another funny memory. I don't know if it
was any of these windows in the photo or a window further down.
However, I was sitting on one of these low
window sills at this end of the Mount with another child and we were
engrossed in swapping scraps when we heard someone say 'Hello!'.
We turned our head to the window and saw two
big white eyes, a set of white teeth and white fingernails on the top
sash of the window. We were off as quick as a bullet and I can tell
you I didn't need any syrup of figs that weekend.
I later learned that it was a new tenant, a
black man, who was studying medicine at Edinburgh University. The poor
soul must have been lonely and only wanted to be friendly.
Cathy McKinsley (née Calvey), Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England:
September 6, 2007 |
Dave Watt
South Queensferry, West Lothian,
Scotland |
Thank you to Dave Watt who replied: |
lived in Heriot Mount from 1953 until 1957 and remember the student
that lived in the bottom flat Cathy McKinsley mentioned (above)."
"I have very fond memories of the area.
All the shops mentioned came flooding
back, as do the memories of the bonfire at the bottom of the steps,
and the ' Big Boys ' throwing a settee from the top of the stairs
into the fire.
The brigade was called out to kill the
fire and hose down the surrounding windows."
Coronation Street Party
"I remember the The Coronation Street
Party photo. I am in it down at the bottom of the street."
Dave Watt, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England:
March 20, 2008 |
Clive Gilroy
Leeds, West Yorkshire, England |
Thank you to Clive Gilroy
who wrote:
8 Heriot Mount
1942 to 1963
"I was born in 1942 and, until November 1963,
I lived with my parents at 8 Heriot Mount, Dumbiedykes, Edinburgh
Looking up Heriot Mount towards the park steps, number 8 was the top stair
on the right-hand side of the street.
addition to the ground floor there were four landings with 3 flats at each
level. We lived on the top floor."
Penthouse Flat
said that I lived
on the top floor, but No.8 was a gable-end block, facing out into the
park, and it had an additional level with what today might be called a
'penthouse flat'!
This flat sat atop the building with its own
pitched roof and bounded on three sides (I think) by a low castellated
wall from which (it seemed to a child) protruded cannons. These were in
fact stone spouts to drain the water from behind the ornamental
"As I recall, most of the stairs in Heriot
Mount depended upon Cupolas to provide light, but this only penetrated
down a few landings leaving lower levels very dark during the day.
Clearly No.8 could have no cupola but there
were windows within the stair facing out of the gable end towards King's
Park. The lower windows were within feet of a rock-face provided little
light but the upper windows looked out upon Salisbury Crags"
Our Flat
"My parents were:
- Charlie Gilroy (1904~1977) and
- Mary Gilroy, formerly Lawson
She had been born and brought up in No.7
Heriot Mount (top-left-hand stair adjacent to the steps) where my
grandparents still lived on the top flat, looking out onto the Park via
three windows in the main room, one within the gable end turreted
projection which can be clearly seen on one of the 1959 Survey Photos.
(For completeness let me add that in the early
years of my life, my Aunt and Uncle, Frances and Duncan Scott also lived
in a top floor flat at 7 Heriot Mount along with my cousins Lizbeth and
Inside Our House
"Our flat consisted of a small kitchen/living
room, a bedroom and a toilet:
- The kitchen
had an unused bed recess in which sat Mum's sideboard, an open fire, a
coalbunker and a Belfast sink set into the deep window recess.
- The
coal-bunker was, essentially a deep cupboard
with removable slats across the front so that the coal could be reached as
the level fell. The coalman would walk though the room and empty his
hundredweight bag of coal into the cupboard and Mum would slam the bunker
door shut to minimise the 'stoor' until the coal man returned up the
stairs with the next bag.
- In the early years of my life all
cooking was done
using a gas ring or the oven within the iron fire range. Eventually my
mother bought a cooker and I can remember it being sited within a shallow
cupboard after the door had been removed.
- Of course, we didn't have fitted
carpets! Instead we had lino,
the joins nailed down with carpet tacks. At the weekend one of my tasks
was to beat the rugs at the top of the park steps. The rugs could be
draped over the horizontal bars there, when other children weren’t
swinging on the bars!"
Our Bedroom
"Like many others in these days, we shared the
single bedroom, with Mum and Dad's bed in the recess and mine on the other
side of the room.
Being on the gable end of the building, the
room had two windows. One looked across the back green towards James Clark
School whilst the other looked out over the Kings Park (as it was in my
early years) towards Salisbury Crags.
I can remember sitting at this window and on a
clear day I could look left over Holyrood Palace towards Inchkeith and
Fife. To the right were views up towards Arthur's Seat."
Heriot Mount Steps
Leading to Holyrood Park

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Edinburgh City Libraries and
Information Services
[Ref C920C]
"In this photograph, already on the
Edinphoto web site, you can just about see the park-facing window of our
flat below the castellated stonework. Beyond that, in the mist, is
James Clark School."
Summer Holidays
"Summer holidays were mostly spent playing in
the park, whether climbing the (lower end) crags, sometimes watching
soldiers shooting in Hunters Bog or just exploring the length & breadth of
the park."
Boys from Heriot Mount in King's Park
August 1950

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Clive Gilroy, Yorkshire, England
"Sadly, names of some of the fellow children
have departed my memory, though here is a photo from my mother's
collection which has helped to jog my memory.'
I am the child kneeling on the left and
although I am unable to identify the others, I do have vague memories of
the following names from those far distant days:
- Peter Kersey at No.7
- Harry Campbell, Billy Hogg (+brother?)
and Robert Craig all at No.6
Looking at the photo again I wonder, could
that be:
- Harry Campbell, kneeling next to me
- Billy Hogg + Robert Craig, kneeling at
the right side?"
Heriot Mount Ladies hold a Jumble Sale
For the Street Party for the Queen's
Coronation, June 1953

© Reproduced
with acknowledgement to Scotsman Publications, and to Clive Gilroy,
Yorkshire, England
"Here is another photo from my mother's
collection. This one was published in the Edinburgh Evening News.
It is very similar to the photograph submitted by
Tam & Wullie Croal. The article newspaper article
below the photo identifies the occasion as being fundraising for the
street party to celebrate the Queen's Coronation in 1953.
I can identify my own mother, Mary Gilroy, as
the woman in the light coloured coat standing on the right in the
back row. I can also identify Mrs Knubley of 4 Heriot Mount standing
3rd from the right of the back row. Both are also in the Wullie Croal
Victory Tea Party at Heriot Mount

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Clive Gilroy, Yorkshire, England
Photographer not known
"Perhaps the most interesting photo is this
one. It may have been taken for a newspaper, but I have been unable
to trace the source of the photo.
On the back of this large glossy print is
written in pencil:
Victory Tea Party at Heriot Mount. The Kings Piper
David Simpson who played to the late King Edward in 1902 and who was
complimented by the Prince of Wales in 1925 at the Music Hall, now
plays to the children on Victory Day 1946" |
I can identify myself, aged almost 4, and my
cousin Lizbeth towards the back of the group. Maybe there are still others
around who can identify themselves or relatives."
Clive Gilroy, Leeds, West Yorkshire: 9 November 2015 (2 emails) |
John Munro
Broxburn, West Lothian, Scotland
Thank you to John Munro
who wrote:
6 Heriot Mount
1952 to 1963
"I stayed at the top floor, 6 Heriot
Mount with my ma, Marion and my dad, John (Jock) Munro from 1952 to the
bad Winter of 1962/63 when we were 'slum cleared' to Oxgangs in the
aftermath of the collapse of a gable end on one of the tenements along
the road.
I’ve looked at the pictures of Heriot Mount
and can pick out a few faces:
I think I recognised
Mrs Hogg who ran the Lifebuoys with her
husband. She lived one or two floors below us.
I can remember an Irish guy who lived a flight
below us. I think his name was Paddy Dury (ie).
A nice enough chap unless he hit the booze and then he could be a bit
There was also a family called
Paterson who lived in
our stair. I played with the son, Alan.
There were 3 flats on a landing and we had a
family on one side. The father of the family,
George Johnston,
was a roofer. He tragically died in a work accident leaving a wife
and 2 children.
- The
other flat was lived in by a Miss Brown.
She was from up North, I think, and had come to Edinburgh as a maid or
something of that order. Her reading and writing weren’t too good
and my ma used to do a lot of her correspondence for her but she was a
very nice old lady.
Landings and Stairs
"The railings on the landings and stairs had
bracing struts between them. My pals and I would climb up the
stairwell using the struts. By the time you got to the top there must
have been a 50 or 60 foot drop.
Looking back, we did all sorts of insanely
dangerous things as kids. We climbed the ‘Cat’s Neck’ on Salisbury
Crags and got old big cardboard egg boxes which we could flatten and use
as a kind of sled to slide down the hill to the Queen’s Drive when the
grass got dry, yellow and slippery during the Summer. It was strictly
forbidden and the Parkies would chase us if they saw us doing it!"
A Great Mixture
"The people in Heriot Mount were a great
mixture of good and bad, rough (or scruff) and respectable.
I was big and a bit of a softy but I wised
up as I got older and one day gave a terrific pasting to another boy
who’d been bullying me. His family went on the warpath and his dad came
chasing after me.
I hid in a stair at the top of the
Dumbiedykes opposite Mc Sherry’s Pub and he went storming into the pub
where he apparently made the mistake of being a bit too forceful asking
my dad where I was. Big mistake!. I saw him emerge from said pub on the
end of my dad’s fist. "
Fond Memories
written that I look back on my childhood with real fondness and wish all
those graduates of Heriot Mount all the best. I doubt I’d be remembered
but my ma and dad might well be. Marion and Jock Munro."
John Munro, Broxburn, West Lothian, Scotland: 7 April 2016 |
John Munro
Broxburn, West Lothian, Scotland
Thank you to John Munro
who wrote:
Move to Oxgangs
"I was 'slum cleared' to Oxgangs in the
winter of 1962/63. Tragically, my dad died at the age of 41 only two and
a bit years later. My ma stayed in our council flat, at 10 Oxgangs
Avenue until her death in 1996.
I had won a bursary to Heriot's School and was
a pupil there from the autumn of 1962 until the summer of 1968. It
was a bit ropey having to walk down the street at Heriot Mount, on
schooldays, in a Heriot's School uniform complete with cap and shorts."
Re-housing Process
"I can remember the process of being
re-housed by the council. A couple of officials came to the street and
went through a pretty standard routine. First they asked local shops
about a family's credit worthiness, then they had a chat to your
neighbours to see what you were like. Finally they inspected your flat
to judge the general state of repair and cleanliness.
If you passed these tests as 'respectable',
you were then offered a flat in a desirable 'scheme'. In those days that
meant Oxgangs, Clermiston or The Inch.
If you didn't get the stamp of approval,
you'd be offered a less desirable area such as Craigmillar. By
this kind of housing apartheid Edinburgh was storing up problems for the
One thing I find slightly lacking
amongst the various reminiscences is the importance and popularity of
picture houses and theatres in the Edinburgh in the post-war period.
The two cinemas for 1950s 'Southsiders' were
The New Vic for those with pretensions to middle-classness and the La
Scala (or Scabby La La, as it was often called) for a slightly rougher
type (like me.). It wasn't just the normal weekly presentations;
there were also school holiday matinees and Saturday clubs."
Leaving Edinburgh
"I left Edinburgh in 1968 to work in
London, then went to University in Manchester. I didn't return,
full-time, to the Edinburgh area until the 1970s.
I worked as a school teacher in West Lothian
from 1974 and have lived in Broxburn since 1976."
John Munro: 6 September 2016 |
Eileen Thomson (née
Kinross, Perth & Kinross, Scotland |
Thank you to Eileen Thomson for writing
about photo 2 in Recollections 4 above, "
Eileen wrote: |
Heriot Mount Ladies hold a Jumble Sale
For the Street Party for the Queen's
Coronation, June 1953

"The ladies in this photo are:
- Isa Macalone
(See also UPDATE below)
Sarah Knubley
I don't remember
- Mary
(See also UPDATE below)
FRONT ROW (standing):
- Mrs. McPherson
- Mrs Bringhurst
- Agnes Melrose (my mum)
- I think, Doris?
FRONT ROW (kneeling):
- Cathy Campbell
- Anna Hogg
I recognise the lady but can't remember her name."
Eileen Thomson (née Melrose: Kinross, Perth &
Kinross, Scotland: 6 September 2016 |
Thank you to Jean Duff (née
Dalgliesh) who wrote:
"1. The woman, 4th from the left in
this photo, could be my mum, Ella Dalgliesh
My husband, Andy Duff tells me that the the
woman on the left, Isa Macalone, was better known as Flo Macalone."
Duff (née Dalgliesh),
Maryborough, Queensland, Australia |