James CH Balmain
Balmain Family
Geof Dawson
Kent, England
Charles Halyburton Balmain was born in Philadelphia, USA in 1853 of
Scottish parents.
J Smith, Edinburgh]
aged 84, on 23 June
1937 in Edinburgh
He was widower of Kate Field.
His father: George Balmain, stationer
His mother: Anne Eleanor Balmain (née Halyburton)
Thank you to Geoff Dawson, great grandson of JCH Balmain, who wrote:
"We have a portrait of Kate Field in my
parents' house. I think it was done by JCH. The portrait is
absolutely stunning - she's really beautiful.
JCH Balmain had two sons and a daughter, Roy,
Kenneth and Louise. Roy was awarded the Military Cross.
We are
struggling to find out is the origin of the name Littler. I am
Geoffrey Roy Littler Dawson.
Geoffrey was my grandfather on my father’s
side, Roy was the name of my mother’s brother – but Littler is the puzzle,
although I have a feeling there’s an American connection somewhere."
Geoff Dawson, formerly Edinburgh, now Kent, England: February 22, 2009 |
Can anybody suggest the origin
of the name 'Littler'?
If you have any suggestions,
please email me, then I'll forward your message to Geoff Dawson.
Thank you.
- Peter Stubbs: February 22, 2009 |
Geof Dawson
Kent, England
Geoff Dawson also wrote: |
"I am the great, great grandson of James C H
Balmain. My mother, Eleanor (known to the family as 'Billie'), was
his grand daughter.
I am trying to create a family tree and do
more research into the background of the family. My grandmother was
Louise who married James Mackay. They lived at 6 Salisbury Road in
I would be really interested in any further
information you can give me on the Balmain family, web links –
anything which will allow me to build up a detailed family tree."
Geoff Dawson, Kent, England: February 18+21, 2009 |
More Information?
If you have any information that you would like to share with Geoff,
please email me, then I'll pass it on to him.
Thank you. -
Peter Stubbs: February 21, 2009 |
Bill Banks |
Thank you to Bill Banks for providing more details about JCH
Balmain and his family.
Bill wrote: |
Balmain Family
"I’m Bill Banks and am researching my wife’s
family. My wife, Terry, is the grand-daughter of Kenneth Field Balmain
and, therefore, great-grand-daughter of JCH Balmain.
Your web-site notes about JCH Balmain are
really interesting and will help with our researches. I was pretty excited
to hear that there existed a picture of Kate Field. I’ll have a look
through our family archive material to see if I can find any clues about
the origin of 'Littler'."
Further Information
"I can give a bit more factual information
about JCH Balmain:
according to the US census records, his father
(George) was Scottish (from Edinburgh) but his mother Ann Eleanor (and her
mother, Hannah) was English, not Scottish as it says above.
- JCH Balmain and Kate Field had 5
children, not 3. The extra two were:
a son, George Halyburton.
a daughter, Anne Eleanor who married Frank Haliday Allan
All three sons served in WW1. Kenneth was in the RAF
and he also served in WW2. How lucky can one get? He. also. was a
talented artist and photographer.
Roy Frederic Balmain MC was a captain in the Royal
Field Artillery but died of his wounds, age 23, at Dadizeele near
Passendaele on 1 October 1918, just 5 weeks before the war ended."
Bill Banks: December 4, 2013 |
Geoff Dawson
Kent, England
Thank you to Geoff Dawson for writing again, giving the results of some
of his recent research.
Geoff wrote: |
My Investigations
"I was very interested to read the information
on your website from Bill Banks in his Message 3
When I first contacted you in 2009 I had only
just started my research. Since then, I have spent many hours
investigating and I now have some further details which answer most of my
original queries."
The name, Littler
parents were John Littler Dawson and Eleanor Kate Balmain Mackay. The
origin of the name 'Littler' comes from my father’s side of the family.
His great grandmother was Julia Marion Littler
Holy Bible
"I have this miniature-sized copy of The Holy
Bible (about 10cm by 6cm – very small) which was given to me by my
grandmother, Louisa Annie Balmain (1887-1967),
one of the 5 children of JCH Balmain and Kate Field.

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Geoff Dawson, Kent, England
As you can see from this photo, the inside
cover has the handwritten inscription:
Halyburton Balmain from Mother. August 24th 1906'.
I can only guess the reason for the gift – it
was just after his 16th birthday – but 'Mother' is of course Kate Field,
so this is a handwritten note from Kate Field, my great-grandmother to one
of her children."
Roy Frederic Balmain
"Roy Frederic Balmain was, I believe, actually
christened Robert Frederick Balmain – the spelling changes seem to have
occurred after he joined the Services.
I have his awards, including his MC, and in
addition, also a hand-written letter from his CO to James CH Balmain
offering condolences and explaining the circumstances of the action which
resulted in his death. It’s a moving tribute."
Anne Eleanor Balmain
"As Bill Banks correctly says, Anne Eleanor
Balmain, who was one of the 5 children of James CH Balmain and Kate Field,
married Frank Halliday Allan.
They had two children, one of whom, Eleanor,
still lives in Edinburgh. She has been a fantastic help to me in answering
numerous questions with regard to the family history and lending me
various documents. I’m hoping to visit her later this year as she tells me
she has dozens of original photographs, many of which she believes may
have been taken by James CH Balmain."
Geoff Dawson, Kent, England: January 14, 2014 |
Geof Dawson
Kent, England
Geoff Dawson, great grandson of James C H Balmain wrote again,
telling me: |
James C H
Family History
recently retired and so have now put a little time aside into starting the
research into my family tree. I’ve started on my mother’s side which
is Mackay / Balmain.
I’ve found out a lot of interesting information about the Balmain side
which, if you’re interested, I’ll be more than happy to share with you,
once I’ve tidied everything up into some logical order.
I've found and have copies of the marriage records and death certificate
for James C H Balmain but at the moment I’ve drawn a total blank on his
know his parents were George Balmain and Ann Eleanor Halyburton. (I know
that she was born in Scotland in 1809, but that's as far as I’ve got.
say on your website James CH Balmain was born 1853 in Philadelphia County,
Pennsylvania, USA but at the moment all my searches in the USA records to
find confirmation and details of his birth there have drawn a blank. I’ve
also – just in case – searched the Scottish records and again drawn a
I'd like to find documents
relating to the time James CHB spent in the USA This is the last
piece of information I need to complete the Balmain family tree so you can
appreciate I’m really keen to try and find it."
Geoff Dawson, Kent, England: 22 January, 2013 |
Reply to Geoff Dawson
If you know of any information
relating to the birth of James C H Balmain or to the time that he spent in
please email me to let me know, then I'll give you Geoff Dawson's
email address so that you'll be able to contact him with the news.
Thank you.
Stubbs: February 21, 2009 |
Geof Dawson
Kent, England
Thank you to Geoff Dawson for writing again about a year after sending
his Message 5 above. Here, Geoff has sent 4 photos from his Balmain
family collection.
Geoff wrote: |
Photos of Kate and James
weekend, I was able to have a look at some of the photos which my family
still have that have been handed down from my grandmother’s side of the
family (Louisa Annie Balmain 1887-1967).
Photos 1 and 2 below are
of Kate Field and James C H Balmain. They were taken, we believe, on the
occasion of their engagement. On the reverse of the photo is the wording :
'Kate Field. James C H Balmain. Engagement 1883'.”
Kate Field

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Geoff Dawson: 26 February 2014
James C H Balmain

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Geoff Dawson: 26 February 2014
Watercolour of Kate Field
"Here is a watercolour of Kate Field. The
reverse of the photo is marked:
'Kate Field Balmain. Born 21/12/1855. Died May 1917'."
Kate Field

Reproduced with acknowledgement to Geoff Dawson: 26 February 2014
"I’ve re-checked the birth date – my records
show Kate born on 21/12/1858, so this may be a simple error. The
watercolour is not signed (and we’ve not been able to look at the reverse)
but colleagues have told me it is of a high quality.
I know from records that her son, Kenneth
Field Balmain, was known as a photographer but he also exhibited landscape
water colours.. I’m lateral thinking here, but just wonder if Kenneth
might have done this watercolour of his mother."
Princes Street
Looking to the East from Waverley
"This photo is of Princess Street. It is
undated but we believe it was taken by James CH Balmain. The photo is 36cm
by 36cm in size. The reverse of the photo is marked
'Princess Street – East End'."
Princes Street
Reproduced with acknowledgement to Geoff Dawson: 26 February 2014
UPDATE: I think this may, in fact be
the 1859 view of
Princes Street by G W Wilson
Geoff Dawson, Kent, England: 26 February 2014 |