Edinburgh - 1844

Please click one of the areas below to compare 1844, 1925 and 2001.

Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section A Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section B Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section C Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section D
Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section E Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section F Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section G Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section H
Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the  Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section I Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section J Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map prodcued for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section K Edinburgh  -   1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge  -  Section L

Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge

Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map  producd for the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge  -  Section N

Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge

Edinburgh  -  1844  -  Map produced for the Society for the Dissemination of Uesful Knowledge  -  Section P



All images ©

MAPS:  Full index

Outline Map of the British Isles © MAPS: Short Index with thumbnails



Maps of Edinburgh Today

For maps of Edinburgh (and elsewhere in Britain) today, I suggest using the Multimap web pages.

Please click here to open a window of the Multimap web site.  The Multimap site  can display maps to match post-codes, and also has links to web-cams in Edinburgh.


